B1 Part Three

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(My friend sent a komahina poster as a gift hhhhhh I will display it proudly) (thank you to d0ir__ for their input!)

I turn and cautiously make my way back down the hall towards the room through which we entered through. I peek around the corner, checking to see if Sayaka and Ko are still in that room. There is no an ounce of blue or white hair in sight.

I enter the room, keeping an eye out for either of the so-called floormasters. In the center of the coffee table is the Flashback Light. I pick it up carefully, examining it. What exactly does this do...?

Ah, one way to find out.

I point it at my head and press the button.

.•° ✿ °•.

"Can you state your name for the record?"

I look straight into the camera. "Hajime Hinata."

"And why are you here?"

My gaze hardens as I shift in my seat. "I'm here to assist in the Death Game. As the Floormaster of B1. I'll destroy the sacrifice however I can." I vow.

"And would you ever be willing to be the Sacrifice?"

I grin, looking sort of like a maniac. "Absolutely. I would do anything to feel despair that wonderful!~

°•. ✿ .•°

I pull it away from myself, blinking rapidly. Was that...me agreeing to be the floormaster of B1? No, that's impossible, I had agreed to be the floormaster of B5...then...

I've got it! There must be some way to program a false memory into this advanced technology and you can then implant it into the brain of whoever you want! That's the only thing that makes sense, right?

I've got to find Ko and show him the proof he's not the B1 floormaster. He's not really apart of their side!


A soft voice from behind makes me whip around. Ko is standing in front of me, hair pulled back in a ponytail, holding a large jagged knife in each hand.

"You betrayed everyone," He muses, "I have no choice but to kill you now."

He begins advancing, a blank, unreadable expression on his face. Naturally I back up, holding up my blade to defend myself.

"You've got that wrong, Ko. It's all an illusion, it's not real!" I insist. Ko takes a swipe at me and I block it.

"You're wrong, Hajime. This is my duty. I was born to spill blood and spread despair." He sighs.

He lunges at me, swinging his weapons around wildly. The tip of one of his blades grazes my cheek but I easily push him off. Despite everything that's happened, he's still physically weak as ever.

"That's not true-! You found that out through the Flashback Light, right?"

He swings at me crazily as I continue to dodge blow after blow, desperately trying not to fight back against him because he will surely lose. He has no idea what he's doing, and it shows.

"You don't know anything!" He hisses.

"You were facing a camera, right?!" I gasp, "You vowed to destroy whoever would be the sacrifice? You wanted to feel despair? I saw the same thing through the Flashback Lig-STOP ATTACKING FOR A SECOND AND LISTEN TO ME!"

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