B1 Part Two

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She has long blue hair, extending far past her waist pulled back in a high ponytail and matching navy-blue eyes. She wore a pretty pale pale pink, almost white dress split into two sections with ruffled sleeves and ruffled skirt (multiple layers.) The top had a white bow just below the collarbone and a thin black belt around her waist. Around her neck was a black choker. And on her feet, tall, white shiny boots that extended all the way to just below her knees.

"Maizono. Sayaka Maizono! Pleasure to finally meet you two in person! I knew you two would make it this far!" She gushes.

She gives us a million-dollar smile. She sticks her hands on her hips, angling her head forward slightly to examine us closer.

I'm confused...Is this...the Mastermind?!

"That's correct," She says, as if reading my mind, "I'm the Mastermind! I'm amazed you two got this far!"

What!? How'd she know I was thinking that, is she psychic?! No-not relevant, this is the Mastermind!

"Ah yes, the unlikely duo, a Sacrifice and a Floormaster. How...hopeful! I'm surprised you conquered all my precious floormasters, even my last line of defense, my Mukuro! Incredible!" She sighs wistfully.

Next to me, Hajime growls. He looks like he's itching to attack her.

I reach out, gently touching his arm and shaking my head slightly. If he attacks now, we won't get all the information we need.

"Izuru, Hajime, Kokichi, Chiaki, Mukuro," She lists off, "hmm, am I forgetting someone? There are six floormasters but I've only named five..."

"Wouldn't you be the sixth floormaster?" I pipe up. She grins, shaking her head.

"Of course not! I made the game, I'm not a part of it! Don't worry, the time has come to reveal the B1 floormaster!" She declares, "and I think you both already know him..."

A boy we both already know? Then they can only be Izuru and Kokichi. But that's impossible, Hajime killed both of them...I'm so confused.

"Care to venture a guess?" She sighs, tapping her foot impatiently. Hajime and I glance at each other helplessly.

"Oh my! Worry not, I've got something that'll help, wait here!" She insists. With that, she skips daintily out of the room.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Hajime spits. I give him a sympatric look.

"It'll be alright, Hajime. We'll defeat her just like the others and get the hell out of here." I assure him. He grunts. "Cheer up, Haji-chan!" I chirp, trying to get him to smile. It doesn't work, but I do detect a hint of pink on his cheeks.

Since Hajime is clearly not interested in conversation, I take the opportunity to glance around the room. It resembles a living room, like one you would find in any common home. Against the ugly patterned wallpaper is a light blue couch. In front of said couch is a glass coffee table holding several picture frames. Across the room is an old-fashioned television displaying no signal. And on the furthest wall is a giant window, displaying a bright blue moon. I highly doubt it's real, much like the one from B7.

Sayaka returns a moment later with a strange dark-green contraption in her hands. It looks a lot like a giant flashlight. She holds it up for us to see.

"This is a Flashback Light!" She announces, "it'll help you remember, Nagito!"

And before I can react, she points it at me, switching it on.

                                      .•° ✿ °•.

"Can you state your name for the record?"

I look straight into the camera. "Nagito Komaeda."

"And why are you here?"

My gaze hardens as I shift in my seat. "I'm here to assist in the Death Game. As the Floormaster of B1. I'll destroy the sacrifice however I can." I vow.

"And would you ever be willing to be the Sacrifice?"

I grin, looking sort of like a maniac. "Absolutely. I would do anything to feel despair that wonderful!~

°•. ✿ .•°


   I watch, horrified, as Ko stumbles back, landing on the couch. He emits a low groan as he attempts to regain his bearings. I turn to scowl at Sayaka.

   "What did you do to him?!" I demand. She smirks.

   "I simply reminded him who the B1 Floormaster actually is~" She responds. 

   "...It's me," Ko mumbles, "I'm the B1 Floormaster."

   "Excuse me?! There's no way that's true, Ko, it's a delusion!" I snarl. Ko slowly rises to his feet, a blank expression on his face.

   "I promised to agree to this game...I must see it through to the end." He muses to himself. Sayaka beams.

   "No problem, Komaeda, I've got just the thing!~"

   Sayaka produces two long, sharp knives and hands them to him. He stands up, letting out a humorless giggle. 

   No...there's no way...this is impossible! There's no way my sweet, innocent Marshmallow can be apart of this game. It was only supposed to be hopeless people like me...NOT KO!

   My eyes widen. "Ko, you don't know what you're doing...this isn't you!" I insist.

   He's going to attack any second and I'll have no choice to defend myself. I'm not supposed to hurt him yet.

   "Hey, Ko, even if for some crazy reason you were a floormaster, killing another is against the rules, right?"

   He shrugs. "I'm already a Sacrifice."

   Okay. We're screwed.

   I turn and run. 


   I've believe I've lost them for now. Dammit, Ko, why you got to be so gullible?!

   He's not a floormaster, I'm certain! She did something to him that convinced him otherwise; it's got to be that peculiar Flashback Light! Now I've just got to find a way to prove it before Ko finds me. 

   First I need to get ahold of that Flashback Light and see it's effects...

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