Dr Anoa'i - Part 3.

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It had been almost a week since (Y/N) had last seen or spoken to Joe

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It had been almost a week since (Y/N) had last seen or spoken to Joe. This was purely by choice; he had called and texted her but she ignored it. She was scared, and in all honesty, she was starting to fall for him. He possessed everything her ex-husband did not. Not only was Joe literally sex-on-legs, but he was also affectionate in ways she had long forgotten about and the sex... the sex was out of this world. Nothing like she had ever experienced before and dare she say, the best she ever had.

(Y/N) had been emotionally scarred from her shambles of a marriage and because of that, her walls were well and truly up. Joe, on the other hand, he showed her what could be, how she should have been treated and to some degree, it scared her just in case everything went terribly wrong again. She hadn't planned on getting close to anyone else, anytime soon. But Joe... he was different.

She did feel somewhat guilty, however, not responding to him. But she had her reasons to feel insecure. Although he did say he wasn't taking advantage of her, she couldn't but feel that he, in fact, was doing just that or did he actually care for her like he said he did? There was only one way to find out. (Y/N) thought of a plan, just to see how he would react. She got out her phone and messaged him.

"Hi Joe, sorry I haven't gotten back to you. It's been a really busy week. However, I think I may have made a mistake coming to you in the first place and therefore no longer require your services. All the best for the future, (Y/N)."

She hit send and waited anxiously for his reply. Within minutes (Y/N)'s phone dinged with Joe's name popping up on the screen. She opened the text which read:

"(Y/N), with all due respect, I do not think that's a good idea."

She responded quickly asking: "Why not?"

Almost immediately, three dots appeared in the corner of the screen...

(Y/N) chose to ignore the text, switch her phone off and dump it on the sofa as she left the room

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(Y/N) chose to ignore the text, switch her phone off and dump it on the sofa as she left the room. She was totally unaware that Joe was trying to call her repeatedly, trying to talk some sense into her. (Y/N) strolled into the kitchen to make a warm drink and retreat back to the comfort of her bed. Once she was underneath the sheets, she settled on catching up on her favourite T.V show.

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