I Missed You.

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(Y/N) struggled to find her keys in her handbag as she stumbled towards the front door

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(Y/N) struggled to find her keys in her handbag as she stumbled towards the front door. It was dark and everything but this was just beyond ridiculous. Suddenly she caught sight of them and attempted to put them in the lock. It wasn't like her to get so tipsy after a few drinks but she definitely needed it after the week she had been through.

Passing the threshold, she quickly threw down her bag along with her keys and called for Joe.

"Hey babe, you here?"

There was no response. Considering it was 11.37 pm he should have been here by now, or that's what he had told (Y/N). Reaching for the phone in her pocket, (Y/N) quickly went to her call log and pressed call.

"The person you are calling is currently unavailable."

"Damn it" (Y/N) cursed.

She couldn't get hold of him and she was in serious need of some cuddles right about now. In her annoyance, (Y/N) decided it would be better if she showered and had something to eat to help sober her up.

While she was in the shower, (Y/N) could hear her phone ringing. She knew it was Joe because of the ringtone she had personally set for his contact. Once (Y/N) had finished rinsing herself and wrapped herself in a towel, she looked at her screen and saw the missed call and a text message.

"Joe❤️💍: Hey baby, sorry I missed your call. There was a hold up at the airport, I'll be home soon xxx

(Y/N): That's ok, see you when you get in😘 X"

As soon as (Y/N) had seen the message, she felt relief. She couldn't wait to see him. After 2 weeks of just having phone and FaceTime conversations, it just didn't compare to him actually being in her presence. Joe was her safe place, her home. (Y/N) did her nighttime rituals and after getting into a pair of pyjamas, she gave herself the once over In the mirror before wandering into the kitchen for some midnight munchies. (Y/N) had settled on cooking some pasta with some leftover mince from the night before.

10 or so minutes had passed, and just as soon as (Y/N) was about to serve up her food, her phone began to ring. Her eyes lit up as soon as she saw it was Joe calling.

"Hey baby!" she squealed delightfully.

"Hey baby girl, I'm almost home. Fix me a plate of food aswell please?" he chuckled.

"How did you know?" (Y/N) replied.

"I know you too well,"  She could tell by his low husky voice that he had a smug smile on his face.

"I'll be about another 10 minutes so I'll see you in a bit."

They exchanged love you's and with that, they both hung up.

Looking up at the clock, (Y/N) looked twice realising it was now 12.45 am and she was ravenous. (Y/N)'s in heat of the moment decision decided it would be a good idea to raid the fridge for some alcohol whilst she waited for Joe to arrive home. And anyway, it gave her the perfect excuse to pounce on him when he got in and blame it on the alcohol. She poured a glass of some white wine and brought it to her lips. It went down quicker than she had anticipated so she poured herself another, this time making sure to savour the taste. However, her thoughts were interrupted when she heard keys in the door.

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