Fight! Fight! Fight!

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3rd Person's POV~

Kakashi narrowed his eyes and used his chakra to disperse the mist. Sasuke could feel his heart in his throat. Even though he wanted to collapse onto the ground, shaking, he couldn't move at all. If he took one breath, made one move, he would be marked and killed. That is what he felt. Looking down, he grits his teeth. Who knew that facing a Jonin's intent to kill could paralyse him like this? His breathing got shallow, gasping irregularly as he aimed his kunai at his stomach.

'It feels like my life is being held in limbo. No way! I'd rather die to escape this feeling'

A hand shot out, ripping the kunai out of his grasp before Kakashi could speak. Sasuke looked up, startled. Y/n's e/c eyes were staring at him, filled with concern.

"Sasuke," they began, their voice reassuring, "don't worry. Kakashi will protect us... Neither of us, Kakashi nor I, are going to let anything happen to you."

Kakashi spoke up, "They're right, Sasuke. You all are my students. And I'll protect you with my life. I will not allow my comrades to get killed." He said, turning around with a close-eyed smile.

"I wonder about that," Zabuza's voice rang out mockingly. He appreared in the middle of their formation. Kakashi sped forward, stabbing Zabuza in the stomach. Instead of blood, only water poured out. A water clone. A figure stood behind Kakashi,

"SENSEI! BEHIND YOU!" Naruto cried out. Looking behind him, Zabuza stood triumphantly.

"Die!" He sneered, taking his Executioner's Blade, and slicing Kakashi in half. But once again, only water poured out.

'What?! A water clone?! Don't tell... in this mist, he copied me?'

A kunai pressed against the rogue nin's neck.

"Don't move," Kakashi ordered, "it's over."

Y/n's POV~

I can't lie. That was cool as hell. Watching it up close was terrifying, but I'll be damned if it wasn't the most epic thing I've ever seen. And it's just getting started.

Zabuza's creepy ass laughter echoed, "did you say it's over? Not a chance."

He laughed again, "But, I must say you're good. You copied my Water Clone Jutsu at that point... you made your clone talk as if it were you, which succeeded in distracting me. And you used the Hidden Mist Jutsu to hide yourself to see what I was doing. But..."

The REAL Zabuza came behind Kakashi, "I'm not a fool." Swinging his blade, Kakashi ducked, but to no avail. Zabuza manages to kick Kakashi into the water, right into his Water Prison Justu trap. A bubble of water enclosed around Kakashi.

I felt my eyebrows furrow and I chewed my lip with worry. I know how it turns out. I know everything's fine. I know I was right to not interfere. But god does it hurt to see.

A water clone manifested from the water, succeeding in scaring the hell out of all of us.

"You're acting big. Wearing that headband like a ninja... but a real ninja is one who has hovered between life and death numerous times. In other words, only those in my Bingo Book are worthy of being called ninja. Guys like you, can't be called real ninja."

The clone said, before casting the Hidden Mist Jutsu once again.

I took a deep, shaky breath, my eyes trained on Naruto. This is a key moment for him. I can't let myself try and save him. Or else he won't be able to become the Naruto Uzumaki I know and love.

Zabuza came and kicked Naruto, stepping on his headband. "You're just a kid," Zabuza sneered.

Slapping a hand to my mouth, I stopped myself before I made things any worse.

"You three! Take Tazuna and run! You have no chance against this guy! As long as he has me trapped in this water prison, he won't be able to move from here. And he shouldn't be able to use the water clone jutsu if it's too far from his real body. In any case, just run for now!"

I heard Sasuke think. 'Run away now? You've got to be kidding. That option was gone the moment you got caught. Even if we reform the manji formation, it'll be impossible to block his attacks. In order for us to survive, we have to rescue you, Kakashi.'

Sasuke charged at Zabuza, making me take a step forwards. No, not now. Stopping myself, I gripped my kunai tighter. I can't attack now.

He was thrown back easily. My eyes went to Naruto, who had stood up, with the Will of Fire in his eyes. Naruto ran at Zabuza, yelling out in determination. He was knocked down once again by the nin who scoffed at his pathetic attempt at combat. I couldn't stop the grin that spread across my face. 

"Naruto why would you do that?! We're just genin, we can't-" Sakura was stopped mid-sentence as Naruto stood up, his ninja headband in hand. My smile widened and a proud look came over my features. 

"Hey you, no-brows.... record in your bingo-book..." he tied his headband around his forehead, "Leaf-style Ninja: Uzumaki Naruto!!" 

Grinning, I walked up beside him, "And the Totally Kick-Ass Ninja: L/n F/n!" Naruto looked at me in surprise, before smiling, giving me a nod. 

Sasuke stepped up beside me, "And the Strongest Uchiha Ninja: Uchiha Sasuke," he said, loud and clear, glaring daggers at Zabuza.  Sakura hesitantly walked closer and stood next to the Uchiha. She cleared her throat and held her head up high "and don't forget the Reliable Ninja: Haruno Sakura."

My eyes widened in shock, that never happened in the anime... did I.... Did I do that? (sheeesh main character energy)

Tazuna looked at us runts in disbelief. 'when I first saw those little kids, they looked so unreliable. Especially the orange eye-sore brat...'

"Sasuke! Y/n! Lend me your ear!" 

"What is it?" Sasuke asked, 

"What'cha need from me?" I questioned, my anxiety gone. I only felt buzzing anticipation for battle.

"I have a plan!" Naruto exclaimed. 

Sasuke could hardly believe the gall of the Number 1 Hyperactive Knucklehead Ninja. 

"hmph, you are talking about teamwork?" 

Naruto smirked. He brought his bandaged hand to his mouth and turned to Zabuza, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Now... let's get wild!" 

(u don't understand how hard it was not to- okay stuff it let's do it)

I snickered underneath my breath, 


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