Pass or fail?

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3rd Peron's P.O.V~

Y/n and Kakashi stood facing each other, both shooketh at the sight of one another. 

"Soooooooooo... how long you been there?" They asked awkwardly, inwardly praying that he wasn't there for long, but the look on his face suggests otherwise. 

"Who are you?" Kakashi finally managed.

Y/n averted their eyes and rubbed the nape of their neck.

"I'm L/n Y/n. And I come from another world."

He narrowed his eyes.

"I want a real answer. How did you know about... About them." Kakashi said, a hand wavering over his kunai pack.

They started to panic.

"Please don't stab me."

Kakashi's eyes only narrowed further.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't."

Y/n could feel their chest tightening in fear for how their little brother might feel if they were hurt.

"The Hokage knows!! Ask him, he knows everything. I told him everything. And I'll say the same to you if you need me to. Please don't kill me Kakashi, my brother's been through enough."

His glare softened and he sighed, his hand falling limp at his side.

"Fine. But if I find out your lying..."

"Then you can kill me. I swear on my life, I've only told the truth to Hokage-Sama, and I will tell the whole truth to you."

Kakashi shook his head softly, his common sense probably telling him not to trust this suspicious person but he looked up at them anyway, waiting for an explanation.

They took a deep breath and began to narrate their story. 


"You swear you're telling me the truth?" Kakashi demanded, his eye piercing through their soul. 

"I swear on my life." He faltered and finally let up. 

"Fine, I... semi believe you. But I can't trust you until you prove that you deserve to be." 

Y/n nodded, "that's fair," they mumbled. "Should we be going now? They've been waiting since five am." Checking their wristwatch, they cringed, "It's nine." 

Shrugging, Kakashi stands up. "yeah, okay. Let's go- wait." Pausing, they waited for him. 

"Why ARE you here in Team 7? Are you even a ninja? Can you fight? Are you coming on missions? The Hokage just told me you were in the group but now... just, what are you here for?" 

Y/n gasped, draping a hand over their chest dramatically, "Never in my life would I have ever imagined the Kakashi Hatake calling me useless."

He rolled his... eye (?) and shook his head, "That's not what I meant." 

Smiling, they shrugged but answered his question anyway, "I genuinely have no idea."

Kakashi sighed, "can u fight?" Y/n bit their lip and thought back to all the school fights they had... and lost. 

"Sort of. I mean, I used to fight back where I came from. But I'd lost more times than I won. I only have agility and speed. My power, hand-eye coordination, and balance need a bit of work." They mumbled, embarrassed. Y/n looked at Kakashi and bowed their head. 

"I'm sorry. It was my dream to be here and now that I am, I'm pretty useless." 

Watching the sad, sincere child he exhaled and patted them on the head. 

"Don't be so down. The Hokage is a wise man, I'm sure he had a reason for putting you in this group," Y/n looked up and smiled. "Also, Y/n. As long as you're a part of Team 7 I am your sensei. It's my job to teach you and help you improve. I can't wait to see your potential." Their heart swelled with happiness and unable to hold themself back, they launched themself at him, embracing Kakashi tightly. 

"Thank you... no one's ever said that to me," they muttered, their voice muffled against his clothes. Presumably smiling, Kakashi chuckled, though his brain told him not to care at all for this strange stranger, his heart whispered back 'you know how they feel... help them' and Kakashi, for as analytical and aloof he can be, listened to the soft whisper in his heart. 

"Come on, it's nine-thirty. The others will be ready to murder us by the time we get there." 


Y/n's P.O.V~


I gave a sheepish grin and stood next to Naruto, "sorry, I lost track of time. Besides, I got here at the same time as sensei so it's not like I'm late." 

Naruto simply narrowed his eyes at me for a few seconds before he sighed. "I know that but still, I was worried about you. I snuck off to our home and you weren't there!! B/n told me you left twenty minutes after me! I was just... really worried."

Shocked, I stared at Naruto as he averted his eyes from me, gaze fixated onto the ground. I'd never had anyone but B/n worry so much about me. To have the care of my favourite character, my inspiration, was the best feeling in the world. 

"Hey... Naru," I said softly. He lifted his head and looked at me, a small embarrassed blush on his face. Smiling gently, I embraced him in a hug and caught him off-guard. Slowly he raised his arms and hugged me back, we broke apart at the sound of Kakashi's voice. 

"Okay, it's set for 12 o'clock!" They looked at him in confusion. 

"Today's assignment is to take these bells from me by noon. Those who can't do it, won't get lunch. They'll be tied to that," he said, pointing at the poles, "and I'll eat my lunch in front of your very eyes." 

All three of them deadpanned and their stomachs rumbled. Naruto turned to me, "How did you know!?" Grinning I winked, not saying a word to their dumbfounded and jealous faces.

"But hold on! Why are there only two bells?" Sakura asked. Kakashi smiled coldly,

"There are two so at the very least, two will have to go to the logs. They will be disqualified for failing the mission and will return to the academy. It could be two people at the very least, or it could be all four of you. You can use your shuriken. You won't be able to take the bells unless you come with the intent to kill me." 

"But, won't that hurt you?" Sakura asked again.  "y-yeah that's right. You couldn't even evade a chalkboard eraser!" Naruto piped up. 

I snickered, "Kakashi sensei's a jonin with incredibly high abilities. I doubt we could do any serious harm. Especially if he actually tries to attack and defend back with even half of his strength, we wouldn't stand a chance."

Kakashi glanced at me and then looked at Naruto. "In this world, those who aren't skilled enough tend to complain more. Well, just ignore the loser. Begin when I give the 'ready, go' signal."

Naruto gritted his teeth and charged at Kakashi. In the blink of an eye, he was subdued. 

"Don't be so hasty, I haven't said start yet." He let Naruto go and smirked, "At least you came with the intent to kill me," he chuckled, "how can I put it? I think I'm starting to like you guys... we're going to begin now. Ready? Start!"

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