Chapter 1: A New Teacher

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*5 years later*

"Come on darling, we're going to be late, you better go run and grab your bag, I've just finished making your lunch, quick sweetie I have to get to work" Tom called.

"Ok daddy, coming" Came the reply of a small girl with brunette hair and light hazel brown eyes.

Tom smiled as he watched his little girl run and grab her bag. He chuckled as she tried to stuff everything into her bag.

"Sweetheart, try doing it like this" and Tom proceeded to unpack her "not so handy work" and put it in properly.

"Excited for your first day at school Hazel?" Tom asked, as he continued packing her stuff.

"Yes dadda, are you excited for work today" She asked in the exact same tone he'd asked her in.

"Of course" Tom replied, smiling at her tone. "Darling, Grandma's picking you up today is that ok?" Tom questioned.

"Yes daddy, but can you please call her Nikki she told me she feels old when you call her Grandma." Hazel said back, shaking her head adamantly. 

Tom chuckled shaking his head. He was extremely lucky to have such supportive parents. As soon as he told them what had happened they accepted him in immediately. He zipped up her bag and pulled her up into the air.

She giggled and his heart swelled. He couldn't deny it, she was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Tom opened the door to his apartment and walked out.

"Will Uncle Harry be there?" Hazel asked Tom as he strapped her into her car seat.

"Yes, but I'm going to ask "Nikki" to keep a close eye on you two, you know what happened last time" Tom joked.

"We didn't do anything....." Hazel replied, flashing her teeth.

"Well, if you call putting Tessa in a Spiderman costume "nothing" then sure" Tom said, reversing the car.

"At least we didn't put her in a tutu." Hazel offered.

"Yea, well, maybe she would've liked pink more." Tom said.

"Daddy, she's colour blind." Hazel said, giggling.

"Knew that" Tom joked.

They continued driving, making the usual father daughter banter.

After about 15 minutes later they arrived at their destination.

"Ok Haze, ready to get going?" Tom said, as he got out of the car.

"You don't need to come in" Hazel said as she grabbed her bag.

"Of course I do, I need to make sure these teachers aren't a threat to my 'second in command,' and don't need any Spidey interference" Tom joked.

"Ok daddy, if you insist, just don't stop to take photos" Hazel said giving him one of her looks. 

"Yes mum" Tom teased.

The two walked hand in hand inside and found the reception, and luckily the receptionist had enough common sense to not ask for a photo even thought her eyes blew up when she set eyes on Tom. Tom rolled his eyes as Hazel when he saw her reaction and Hazel giggled. After they'd collected the information they needed, Hazel tugged her dad along.

"Dadda, do you ever wish you were not famous?" She enquired.

"E v e r y d a y" Tom joked.

"Look there's my class" She exclaimed.

"There's your class" he agreed.

They walked through the door and heaps of kids turned and stared, confused like they were trying to figure out who the "Peter Parker" look a like was.

Tom looked around, taking the overwhelming environment in, and then his heart stopped, right when he set eyes on the young guy sitting at his desk, glasses and all.
Hazel pulled Tom out of his trance, dragging him along to see her teacher. He had bright lively blue eyes, so sparkly they could probably light up the darkest place in the world. He was wearing a shirt and trousers, no tie, since teaching 5 years olds wasn't exactly formal. But it didn't matter what he was wearing, Tom thought he looked drop dead gorgeous.
"Come on dad, why'd you stop?"

The man looked up when he saw Hazel and smiled warmly.

"Good morning, I'm Mr Osterfield, what's your name?" The teacher asked.

"My names Hazel....Holland and this is my daddy. He's acting weird, sorry"

"Nice to meet you, Mr Holland" Mr Osterfield said, putting a hand out for Tom to shake. Tom stared into space, and Hazel tugged her father. Tom quickly put his hand out saving himself just in time.

"Please call me Tom" Tom replied, returning his gesture with a small smile.

"Well in that case call me Harrison" Harrison replied.

"Harrison?" Hazel questioned.

"No young lady, I think it would be more appropriate if you kept calling me Mr Osterfield." Harrison said, bending down.

"Yes I agree" Hazel said, and Harrison looked surprised.

"Well she's certainly very articulate for a 5 year old" Harrison said, standing up.

"Thank you" Tom replied.

"Well nice to meet you Tom, I guess I'll see you when you pick her up?" Harrison asked.

"No no, I have a very busy day today so my mum's coming to get her" Tom replied.

Harrison shut his mouth so he didn't make another stupid comment. He knew exactly who Tom Holland was, and he should also know acting isn't easy and it's very time consuming, so why say something like that!?

"Well, I'll see you later then" Harrison said, moving to organise some things on his desk.

"Bye Haz," Tom said leaning down to kiss Hazel.

"Hm?" Harrison questions.

"Oh I was just talking to Hazel," Tom replied.

"I thought you said Haz" Harrison said smiling brightly.

"I did, it's her nickname" To replied.

"Mine too" Harrison said and Tom blushed a deep red.

Harrison chuckled and left to find something.

"See you tonight Hazel"

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