Chapter 17: I'm so in Love With You

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Tom stood shaking as he watched Lily with the knife, he didn't know what she was going to do with it, but he knew it wouldn't be cutting carrots.
"Lily, put that down" Tom said, his voice shaky, but calm.

"Why would I, I'm just going to kill him" Lily spat back.

"Lily, I have no idea what's gotten into you, but you need to put that down" Tom advised once more.

"He's going to take everything from me" Lily replied and Tom woke, sweating and gasping for air. He slowed his breathing as oxygen flowed through his body once more. It had been a week since their live video, and ever since Tom had been having strange dreams, of something that happened years ago, but seemed like it happened just yesterday. The only difference now, was that Harrison was no longer there because he had to go home. Tom turned over and took a deep breath. It wasn't even 2am and yet he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep again.

He heard a noise, and then he realised it was Hazel, maybe it was a blessing in disguise. He got up and went to her room.

"What's wrong?" He whispered moving to her bed.

She didn't say anything, she just sat up and made a weak grab for her father.

"Alright, come on then" he whispered, pulling her into his arms. He proceeded to carry her back to his room.

"Why did you wake?" He asked.

"I don't know" she whispered back. He just nodded and pulled her in close to him.

"I love you daddy" she said, looking up at him, and even the dark couldn't hide Tom's smile.

"I love you too Hazel" he replied, and the two fell asleep.


When Harrison walked in the next morning after Tom had given him a key, he found Tom and Hazel curled up together asleep. He moved to sit on the bed and swept Tom's stray curls from his eyes. He smiled pressing a kiss to both Tom and Hazel's forehead. Harrison quietly closed the door and made a move to make breakfast.

Tom woke half an hour later to find it was 8:45, he freaked out, before realising it was Saturday. Quietly he left Hazel to continue sleeping and made his way to the kitchen. He stopped when he saw Harrison, who was making eggs in the kitchen. Leaning against the door frame he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" Harrison said, not looking up from what he was doing.

Tom blushed and properly walked into the kitchen.

"How did you know I was there" Tom asked, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, from behind.

"I might have glasses, but it doesn't mean I'm blind" Harrison joked and Tom just continued to stand there clinging to Haz. Inhaling his warm, comforting smell.

"You smell nice" Tom mumbled into Harrison. Haz blushed and smiled back.

"You're weird" Harrison joked.

"No, I'm serious you do. You smell like fresh raspberries" Tom said.

Harrison chuckled back, turning his head around to kiss Tom, before finishing cooking.

"Breakfasts ready" Harrison said after a bit, but Tom didn't moved off Harrison.

"Tom, you need to get off me" Harrison said, but Tom still refused.

"If I carry you to the table will you get off me?" Harrison asked, and Tom shook his head.

"Well sweetheart, I can't read minds, what do you want" Harrison asked.

Tom didn't say anything, just motioned with his head to the door of his room.

"Do you want me to carry you back to bed?" Harrison asked, and Tom nodded.

"You're being very childish today, Mr Holland" Harrison said, moving so Tom could get off him and so he could pick him up.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Harrison asked, and Tom looked up.

"Because, I didn't actually think you'd do that" Tom replied and Harrison groaned and rolled his eyes.
"so you're saying I didn't need to do that?" Harrison whined.

"Nope" Tom teased.

Harrison put him down and groaned once more.

"You're so annoying, too bad I love you" Harrison said. Tom blushed and moved to the table.

"I'll go get Hazel" Harrison said, pulling a seat out for Tom. Tom smiled and waited, so he could eat when Harrison came back.

Harrison walked into "his" and Tom's room and gently tapped Hazel on the shoulder.

"Come on Miss, breakfasts ready" Harrison said, and she opened her eyes.

After the three of them had eaten, Tom decided, it was the right time to ask his question.

"Harrison, you've been around so much lately that it almost fells like you live here, but when you go away, it's like this house is missing something, which is why I want you to move in with me and Hazel" Tom suggested, and Harrison looked surprised but he smiled and nodded anyway.

"I'd love to move in with you" Harrison replied. Tom's face changed from nervous, to happy in a matter of seconds.

He quickly moved forward into Harrison's arms, and Hazel joined in.

After that, Harrison moved in, bringing his whole wardrobe with him, and believe me he had more clothes the Tom, and that's something.

After a long day of Harrison moving everything they finally sat down and took a deep breath.

"You don't actually have a lot of stuff" Tom noted.

"Not compared to you, like why are there web shooters up there?" Haz asked, laughing.

"Keep sakes....from set, I don't even know if I'm allowed to have those so don't tell anyone, I've got the EDITH glasses too" Tom joked back.

Harrison laughed.

Once Hazel was asleep, the two celebrated with a bottle of champagne.

"I'm so glad you said yes" Tom confessed, moving so he was sitting in Harrison's lap. The Kingston sun was going down and it was slowly turning dark. The two were sitting outside on the porch eating, drinking and cuddling.

"How could I say no" Haz replied, pulling Tom into him.

Tom put his head into Harrison shoulder, right underneath his neck, inhaling him.

"I'm so in love with you" Tom mumbled quietly, just enough for Harrison to hear, and Haz smiled back, squeezing Tom's hand as the gesture back.

"I'm so in love with you too"

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