Chapter 10: Dorks in Love

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It was the week before Tom had to leave for filming and he still needed to organise someone to take care of Hazel, Nikki was coming to set to watch and drive Tom mental and Harry was also coming to help out. Paddy was filming his show with Dominic and Sam was trying to find a job.

Tom raked his hands through his hair, something he did when he was stressed. Maybe he should stop worrying and enjoy the short time he had left with his baby girl.

When he arrived to pick Hazel up, Harrison took one look at him and immediately asked him what was wrong.

"I can't find anyone to look after her while I'm gone, mum said she would but now she's coming to set" Tom said as Hazel gathered her things up.

Harrison gave him a look, and took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"I'll look after her, I mean I know you've only knowen me for 6 months but I'm her teacher and we can FaceTime you regularly, and maybe even come and see you on set as well" Harrison offered.

Tom's eyes lit up.

"Really?" Tom asked.

"Of course, she's a lovely girl, I don't mind" Haz said.

Tom smiled and pulled him in to kiss him, when Hazel walked in.

"Ewwww, save that for when I'm gone" she said.

"Hazel, we've talked about practising silly lines with Harry, no more" Tom said.

"How did you know he told me to say that" Hazel asked.

"Because I've lived with him for most of my life" Tom replied and the three of them giggled.

"I'm so grateful, thank you so much" Tom said.

"Is Mr Osterfield going to stay with me?" Hazel enquired.

"Yes, Haz, is that ok?" Tom asked quickly,

"Of course" she squealed, jumping into Harrison's arms.


The next week rolled around fast, and before the two of them new it, Haz and Haz were standing in the doorway waving their father and "almost boyfriend" away.

"I miss dad already" Hazel sighed as she walked inside.

"Hey, sweetheart there's heaps of things we can do together, and we can go visit Tom as well" Haz replied, "but first we've got school missy."

The two of them drove to school and Harrison stood up front writing numbers on the board.

"Hi, is your name Hazel?" A small girl asked.

"Yes" Hazel said

"Do you want to play with me" she asked.

"Are you just saying this because you know my daddy?" hazel asked.

"Why would I know your daddy, you don't know my dad, so why would I know yours" she said and Hazel smiled.

"Yes, I'd like to play with you" Hazel said.

"Well, In that case I'm Viola" the small girl replied.

The two girls stuck together the whole day after that. Harrison watched from afar and smiled as though she was his own child.

Hazel had a lot of "friends" but this was the first real friend she'd made.


Tom face timed his little girl every night and at this stage, Tom and Haz had technically been dating for 2 months but no one was really confident enough to ask one another the "question." Or maybe, Harrison was saving it for a special moment. He wanted to wait until Tom got back to ask him to be his boyfriend, but that would be too long, so he'd decided to ask him on set. The only problem was, he didn't know when he'd be able to see Tom.

"Hazel, can you let me talk to Harrison please?" Tom asked.

"Sure, I'll go do my homework" Hazel said.

Once she left Tom gave Haz a skeptical look.

"She gets homework?" Tom asked.

"No babe, I don't even know why she said that" Haz replied and they laughed.

"How is she behaving?" Tom asked.

"She's the sweetest thing I've met....apart from you of course" Harrison added and blushed. Tom blushed too. He smiled to himself.

"How's filming?" Haz asked.

"Good, its fun but I miss Hazel, and Tess" Tom said. As you can probably already see, these two were not so subtly hinting that they were in love. Big time.

"I want to talk to you, but in person" Harrison said after a bit.

"Is something wrong?" Tom asked nervously.

"No, quite the opposite actually?" Haz said smiling.

"But I think when I see you again, we'll talk, it won't be the same over video call. It's not bad, don't worry. Don't stress please" Harrison added quickly, and Tom took a breath.

"You got me worried there" Tom said, chuckling lightly.

Haz wasn't wrong, it was quite the opposite. In fact, it would make Tom's day a whole lot brighter.

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