Chapter 4: You Stop Believing in Love

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"Thank you so much for taking up my offer" Harrison said as he greeted Tom and Hazel.

"No worries, she was super keen and I can't resist those eyes she gives me," Tom replied.

"Yes, well I think it runs in the family" Harrison started.

"Acting, I mean...." Harrison said quickly.

Tom blushed and nodded. He them presumed to stare at Hazel's teacher while he stared back until Hazel tugged him.

"You can go now daddy" Hazel said.

"Oh yes, sorry Darling, I'll come and get you in a couple of hours alright?" Tom said.

"Alright, bye bye" she said waving. He waved back as he walked out the door.

"Mr Osterfield? Are there other kids as well?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, of course, your father brought you 5 minutes early..... that's why no one else is here" Haz replied.

"Can you show me around the studio?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, but let's make it quick, the other kids will be here shortly." Harrison said.

Hazel jumped and ran after Harrison, trying to keep up with his long strides.


Throughout the two hours that Hazel spent there, she practised speaking clearly with other students, and got into groups acting out different characters from their favourite movies. They listened to pieces of music and drew what they imagined on pieces of paper. By the time the parents came to pick their students up, Harrison was playing them a piece of music on his guitar and singing "Call Me Maybe." Tom stood by the doorway watching in awe as he sung and held the attention of every single child. They were in a trance as they watched him, damn even Tom was in a trance.

"Hey, I just met you and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe
It's hard to look right at you baby. But here's my number, so call me maybe
Hey I just met you and this is crazy. But here's my number, so call me maybe
And all the other boys try to chase me. But here's my number, so call me maybe"

He continued singing and he caught Tom's eye. He smiled and Tom blushed smiling back.

"Before you came into my life. I missed you so bad. And you should know that"

"So call me maybe"

As he sung the last like it literally looked like he was directing it at Tom. But hey this sounds crazy - (lol) - why would he be looking at Tom? He finished playing and ran a hand through his hair, smiling at his students who were all applauding like crazy!

Parents piled in to collect their kids, so Tom waited for everyone to clear before getting Hazel.

"Hey Haz, did you have fun?" He asked her.

"Yes! Can I stay longer?" Hazel asked, nodding profusely.

"No darling, we have to go, and you have to let Mr Osterfield get back to his own work" Tom said, bending down to her level.

"Please, I don't want to leave" Hazel complained.

"Sweetheart please don't do this here" Tom said.

Sure Hazel was mature for her age, but come on she was 5.

A tear escaped her eye and Tom picked her and wiped her eyes.

"Come on darling, we can come back next week, I promise and you can see your teacher on Monday, alright?" Tom said.

"Can he come with us?" Hazel asked.

"We're going to walk Tessa, really? That wouldn't be very professional on his part, and do you really think he wants to do that?" Tom replied.

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