Chapter 20: Everything's OK Now

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The brunette's hands shook as he quickly wiped his eyes.

"W-what?" He stuttered, and the doctor nodded. Opening the door.

"We don't usually allow people in straight away, but I can make exceptions" she said, passing him a wink. He returned the gesture with a weak smile.

As Tom entered the door, he finally caught sight of Harrison's deep sapphire eyes.

"Darling...." was all Tom could manage. Tears continued streaming down his face, overwhelmed tears of happiness.

The blonde looked up catching his boyfriend's chocolate eyes. He smiled and Tom's heart leapt. You don't even know how glad Tom was to see that smile again.

"Y-y-you" Tom couldn't bring himself to say it.

"I know Tom I know, but I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere I promise" he whispered, motioning to take Tom's hand in his own. Tom quickly put his hand out and interlaced his fingers through the blondes.

Tom continued to cry while Harrison held his hand gently squeezing it with the little strength he had. Harrison gently pulled Tom closer so he was leaning slightly against him.

"I love you, so so much" Tom said into him, and Harrison who had his hand on Tom's head gently ran his finger through it.

Tom sat up from where he was and so he could press a kiss to Harrison's lips before they finished his "medical stuff." He savoured the taste of the blondes lips like it might be the last. Considering, the past events...anything could happen.

The doctor who'd saved Harrison's life watched from afar as she sorted Harrison's things out for the next few days. She smiled as she watched tears slip down her patients cheeks being back with his love. This was the best part of her job. Watching couples or families reunite.

"I'll give you two some time" she said, and she left, with a last look over her shoulder.

Tom smiled once they'd pulled away, and reluctantly he stood up.

"Stay with me" Haz croaked

"Harrison Osterfield, I'm not leaving you. I'm never going to leave you, jeez the only thing I won't do is let you drive again" Tom announced and Harrison chuckled, before regretting it.

"Sorry" Tom apologised leaning down to comfort Harrison.

"I'll go and get Hazel while they sort you out, ok babe?" Tom asked, Harrison tried to nod. It didn't matter anyway Tom got the message.

"I kinda just barged past your family as well, so they'll want to see you" Tom added and Harrison smiled, giving a small wave as we left.


"Dadda?" Hazel asked, while Tom was driving.

"Yes darling?" He replied.

"Is Harrison ok?" She said.

"Of course, I wouldn't be taking you to see him if he wasn't ok" Tom replied.

"Harry told me... he left" Hazel said.

"Yes darling he did leave and then he came back" Tom reassured.

"So I can give him a kiss?" Hazel asked.

"You can give him a kiss" Tom confirmed.

She clapped and he laughed.

"You can give him a kiss too" Hazel exclaimed, and Tom nodded and smiled.

"Lots of kisses and then you can" Hazel added.

"That's enough Hazel" Tom scolded, and she shrunk back erupting in fits of giggles.

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