Chapter 3: Organising Drama Lessons.

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Tom pulled out the card and punched in the numbers. A few moments later someone picked up the phone.

"Hello, Kingston Arts studio, Harrison Osterfield speaking," came the voice.

"Hi, u-uh-h, Tom here, I was thinking about what you said and it seems Hazel is really keen so I was wondering when and how I can book lessons?" Tom started.

"I'm so glad you thought about this, you can book through me or, you to the website and check it out there" Harrison replied.

"In my opinion maybe 1 lesson a week would be good to start off with, they're 2 hours and your child will cover three parts of art; Music, drama and art. Obviously there are courses for one subject in specific, but starting with a range is good too" Harrison said.

"Great, how about Saturday 11am?" Tom suggested.

"Sounds good, looking forward to seeing... you then" Harrison replied. Tom smiled and hung up.

"Guess who has lessons at the Art Studio!!" Tom called.

"Yayyyyy" Hazel squealed.

Tom lifted Hazel up and spun her around.

"Daddy, why do you seem more excited than me?" Hazel asked, when he put her down.

"I'm not, why do you say that?" Tom replied.

"No reason, can we go take Tessa for a walk now?" She asked.

Tom breathed heavily, "sure we can."


"Hazel, what are you talking about?" Harry asked, after she'd mumbled something in his ear that he didn't understand.

"Believe me, I think dad has a crush on my teacher!" Hazel whispered, erupting into a fit of giggles.

"You're joking Hazel!" Harry said.

"No Uncle Harry, I'm serious, the other day he told dad to book me in for drama lessons at his art studio and then this morning he did, and he was all happy, and he gave those eyes. Look, the ones he's giving Tessa now!" Hazel said pointing to Tom. Hazel was right, Tom was kneeling down cuddling Tessa, giving her eyes like she was everything.

"Wow Haz, do you know what this means for us" Harry suggested,

"No?" Hazel replied.

"It means we can tease Tom, big time!" Harry joked.

Hazel pulled a pouty face, "No, that's not very nice Uncle Harry!" She said.

"Damn, what's got into you" Harry said, pulling Hazel in and tickling her.

"Dinner's ready!" Sam called.

"Come on missy, let's have some food" Tom called, and she ran up to him so he could lift her onto a chair.

"How was your first day at school?" Nikki asked once Hazel was seated.

"It was good thank you, I have a really nice teacher, his name is Mr Osterfield and he teaches drama as well, I'm going to have lessons on Saturday" Hazel exclaimed.

"Is that right?" Nikki said, but she'd turned to Tom.

"Her teacher offered and she already knows him, she also begged me, how can you say no to those big brown puppy eyes" Tom explained.

"Tell us more about your teacher Hazel" Harry said mischievously, looking at Sam with a "somethings going on with our older brother and we need to find out" look. 

Tom clearly having picked up on Harry's stupid behaviour, blushed bright red and shot a look at Hazel which said "what did you tell him?!" And Hazel shrugged innocently.

"There's nothing much, he's just a teacher!" Hazel replied.

Harry lost the smirk on his face, but he and Sam shot each other "twin" looks through dinner.


"Hazel what did you tell Harry?" Tom asked once they were in the car.

"Nothing I swear, plus that's between me and Harry!" Hazel replied.

"Alright, well you have to have an early night tonight darling" Tom said, moving along and ignoring what happened.

"Yes daddy" Hazel replied.

"Can I ask you a question dad?" Hazel asked.

"Shoot!" Tom replied.

"When's your next job, when do you have to go away?" She continued,

"It's in six months darling, you don't need to worry about that. OK?" He reassured.


By the time they were home, Hazel had fallen asleep and if Tom listened closely he could hear her soft breathing.

He smiled and tears filled his eyes. They dropped and he quickly wiped them away. She'd come so far, and Tom was so proud of her. Especially without having the help of a mother there either. Tom picked her up and carried her inside. Tom was smart enough to have put her into clothes she would be comfortable sleeping in before dinner, knowing she'd fall asleep. He placed her in bed and closed the door. He exhaled a sigh of relief, before reclining onto the couch.

Harrison couldn't help but work himself up about this. Let's just say his sister wasn't helping.

"Oh my god, seriously, you've got a crush on one of the parents at school, ew, he's probably like old and gross!" Charlotte complained when Harrison told her.

"Well Charlotte, you're not helping" Haz whined back.

"Show me his instagram!" Charlotte continued.

"You probably already follow him" Harrison replied.

"I do not!! Why?!" Charlotte said.

"Here pass me your phone and I'll bet you 20 pounds you follow him" Harrison says.

"Ok, waste of 20 pounds but sure" Charlotte said.

Harrison searched Tom Hollands instagram and sure enough, Charlotte was following him. Harrison passed back her phone and her eyes widened.

"No you're joking!!" Charlotte said.

"Nah uh! His daughters name is Hazel, I don't think many people know about her, he keeps her pretty private" Harrison said, before holding out his hand. "20 pounds?"

"I had my fingers crossed!" Charlotte joked.

"What ever"

"Damn Haz, you actually hit the jackpot! But there's only one problem, why would he want to marry a school teacher" Charlotte reminded, and Harrison sighed.

"Exactly I have no chance"

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