Chapter 24: Normal Life

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Sunlight spilled in through the window, soaking the two boys in golden light. They were in the early hours of the morning, yet the sun was up and shining. Harrison's eyes fluttered open, to find we was indeed cuddling Tom. He couldn't help chuckle lightly, before sliding out from underneath Tom and going to wake Hazel.

He opened the door to find her lying awake, as the twins slept on the other side of the room.

"Hey" he whispered.

"I was waiting for someone to come and save me." She replied, sitting up as he pulled her into his arms.

"Come on. You can come back to my room" Harrison said and she nodded.

"Was it ok sleeping with them?" Harrison asked.

"Yea it wasn't too bad, Harry kept telling me about all the silly things Tom did when he was younger, but I was confused because Harry's younger than him, so how did he remember?" Hazel questioned and Harrison laughed.

"Come on, it's cold" Harrison said, racing back and sliding through in his socks, Hazel in his arms.

"You'll drop her if you keep doing that" Tom mumbled.

"Go back to sleep. It's like 6am" Harrison said ignoring Tom's comment.

"Well, you left me here, and I rolled over to snuggle into you because I was cold, to find you're gone" Tom muttered.

"Alright, sleepyhead move over" Harrison said shaking his head.

"You're always grumpy in the morning" Hazel said, as she lay in between them.

"What ever" Tom grumbled, and Harrison rolled over pulling Tom in close, before peppering kisses all over his face.

"Ewwwww" Tom squealed.

"What do you mean eww. I brushed my teeth" Harrison replied. Tom pulled a pout, but didn't say anything else.

Harrison pulled the covers up, and Tom shot him a glare. "Fine grumpy. I'll just cuddle Hazel then" Harrison said and Tom turned over, refusing to make eye contact.

"He's joking daddy" Hazel said.

"Which dad" the boys said in unison, before they both burst out laughing.


Neither of the boys had had a day off together for a while, since Tom was always filming and Harrison was always teaching, so maybe it was a blessing in disguise when Harrison got sick.

"Whyyyyyyyy" Harrison groaned as he let out another sneeze.

"Because It happens sometimessssss" Tom replied, mocking his tone. "It just means your immune system is down darling. Everyone get's sick sometimes" Tom said, and Harrison pulled a face.

"I should still go to work" Harrison said, pulling another face.

"No! No you can't!!" Tom replied, stepping in front of the blonde to stop him walking out. .

"Just stay with me. I'm learning a new script for a part I'm doing and I don't have to travel away, so stay with me" Tom said.

"Fine" Harrison wheezed, he sat back before erupting in a fit of coughs.

"Yea Hazza, go to work" Tom said his voice dripping with sarcasm, before rushing to grab him some water.

"Stay here, I'll go drop Hazel to school, you've already emailed them haven't you?" Tom asked, and Haz nodded.

With that, Tom left with Hazel, and Harrison fell back onto the bed, and fell asleep, having one of those horrible fever dreams.

Tom got back to find the house was silent except for the dishwasher that left a slow hum going in the kitchen.

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