Chapter 13: UNKNOWN Numbers

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When Tom opened the front door, after having been away fro 6 months and only having seen his daughter and boyfriend once the whole time, he was in need of some cuddles. He was surprised to hear no noise from his usually lively daughter. He walking in the door and put his things down, checking the rooms for his darlings.

"Hazel" he called softly. There was no reply, and he found out why when he'd reached his bedroom. He opened the door to find her and Harrison curled up asleep on his bed. She was lying on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around her. The duvet had them both wrapped together. He smiled, moving next to them. His heart melted. This was a sight for his sore, tired eyes. Harrison moved and opened his eyes as he saw Tom. He smiled and if it hadn't been for Hazel lying on him, he would've jumped up and hugged Tom. He gently tapped her until she opened her hazel eyes. When she saw her father she jumped into his arms.

"Daddy" she squealed and she jumped into his arms.

He caught her and laughed.

"I'm home now" he reassured. After she'd hugged her dad, about 50 times, she left. As much as she wanted to stay she knew what was going to happen next and she didn't want to hang around for it.

She closed the door behind her and Tom jumped into Harrison's arms.

"Oh god, I missed you two so much" He mumbled into Harrison's shoulder.

"We missed you too" Harrison said. Tom moved and kissed his boyfriend.

"Was she ok?" He asked

"She's a delight" Harrison replied.


That night after Hazel had gone to bed, Tom got a text message.

He was confused and at first he thought it was some random fan and made a note to change his number, until he properly read the message;

I don't even know if this is your number, your agent passed it to me when I rang, surprisingly he remembered me. Anyway, I wanted to check up on how you are, and I was wondering if I'd be able to see our daughter, I don't even know her name, and I mean I have every right to see her she's my daughter.

Little did she know Tom has full custody over her, but she seemed to think otherwise.

Tom almost dropped his phone. His face went white and he had to sit down.

"Wow there, what's wrong darling?" Harrison asked, as he put his shirt on watching Tom's reaction to his phone.

He passed Haz his phone and Harrison read out what the text said.

"Oh my god, so now all of a sudden she wants to meet Hazel" Harrison said in dismay.

Tom nodded his head in his hands.

Harrison sat down and pulled Tom over to him, so he was sitting in his lap.

"Hey, don't stress about this, you said earlier you have full custody over her right?" Harrison asked and Tom nodded to confirm.

"We had a trial after she'd left, she didn't care at the time, she didn't even want to be in her life, I have the papers as well" Tom replied, burying his head in Harrison's shoulder.

"I don't know why she wants to be in her life now, but after all she is her mother and if Hazel wants to meet her, then maybe we should give Hazel the chance, we can't just take the opportunity away from her can we" Tom said, and Haz nodded.

"You're too nice for your own good" Haz teased and Tom smiled weakly.

"Come on, you just got home, stop thinking about this and come cuddle with me" Harrison smiled and Tom laughed a small laugh.

"Alright then" he said quietly.


"Hazel, we need to have a chat, you're not in trouble don't worry, can you come and sit over here" Tom said, after she'd finished her breakfast. She nodded, her eyes wide, but curious.

She took a seat and Tom began.

"So, you probably won't remember, because you were only 3 days old when she left, but before I met Harrison I had a girlfriend, called Lily, she's your actual mother, but like I said she left, because she had other things to do. Anyway, now, she wants to meet you and it's your decision Haze. I know it's a big decision for a 5 years old to make, but I will support you no matter what. If you want to meet her you can" Tom started.

Hazel took a moment to take it in, before she spoke.

"Yea ok" she replied, "I don't mind meeting her" Hazel said.

Tom sighed, he didn't know whether he was relieved or upset by his daughters decision.

"But" Hazel started and Tom looked up "if she says anything mean, about you or Harrison I'm never talking to her again"

Tom smiled, "sweetheart, you don't have to worry about us ok" he reassured and she nodded.


Tom: OK, Lily.....we'll talk about this in person, before you meet her, I'll meet you at the cafe we used to go to, and we'll discuss this.

UNKNOWN - Lily: No! I want to see her now, there's nothing to discuss, she's my daughter

Tom: I'm not having this discussion over text, either you see me there and I'll make the decision or you don't see her at all.

UNKNOWN - Lily: as usual, being you possessive self... fine. whatever.

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