Chapter 2: First Day of School

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Harrison was struck at the striking resemblance between Hazel and Tom, she had his eyes, and his hair and his sharp cheekbones. Not that Harrison was looking.

"Right children, sitting down here in front of me please" Mr Osterfield called.

"Do anyone of you know my name, if you do put your hand up?" He said.

Some shook their heads and some nodded their heads...helpful.
Hazel shot her hand up.

"Yes Hazel"

"Mr Osterfield" She said.

"That's right" Harrison stood and wrote it on the board.

"Right now that you all know my name, we're going to go around and everyone is going to say their names and two interesting facts about themselves. Why don't you start Hazel"

"Hello everyone, my name is Hazel Holland and my two interesting facts are that I have a dog called Tessa and I love everything about art; music, acting and painting is all me" Harrison couldn't help but smile. This was one adorable girl. She was sweet and very kind for her age.

"Thank you Hazel" Mr Osterfield said. "Right Josh, you go ne-"

"IS YOU DADDY SPIDERMAN?" Some one shouted.

Hazel looked away and Harrison looked in the direction of the voice.

"Excuse you. I only have two rule in this class, and one is to use your inside voices, no shouting!" Mr Osterfield called.

"Is you're daddy-"

"The other rule, is no talking over others, put your hand up"

Hazel turned back around and smiled at her teacher, this wouldn't be the last time he saved her from nosy students, he kindly returned the gesture and continued going around the circle.


It was lunch time and Hazel was sitting with some of her classmates eating, when a group of girls came over to her. They were older than her, they looked around 10 or 11.

"Hey, I know you, your dad plays spider man. Do you want to have lunch with us?" They asked.

Hazel remembered what her dad told her.

*Some kids are only going to want to be friends with you because they know who you are darling, so you need to know who's going to be a nice friend and who's going to be a mean friend*

Hazel politely declined them but they continued pestering her.

"I already said I'm ok, thank you for offering" Hazel said again.

"God you don't have to be so stuck up, just because you think you're better than us" they said.

"No that's not true" Hazel said, moving back from them.
The girls moved closer to her and one of them was about kick her lunch box over when suddenly they ran away. Hazel looked around confused until she saw her teacher walking towards her.

"Are you alright?" He asked, when he moved over to her.

"I am now, thank you" she replied.

"Make sure you let an adult know if that happens again, yeah?" He said.



The bell rang for the end of school and all the kids rushed out the door to find their parents. Hazel was waiting outside for Nikki to arrive but 10 minutes after school had finished she still wasn't there.

"Hazel you best come inside, it's going to get cold soon waiting out there" Mr Osterfield said opening the door. Hazel nodded and walked in. She sat down and took her book out.

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