Chapter 6: Two is Better Than One.

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That was how Tom and Harrison found themselves, in PJ's (Harrison's a borrowed pair) on Tom's couch watching movies together. Every now and again, when Tom thought Harrison wasn't looking, he'd give him a longing look. Tom would be lying if he said that Harrison didn't look adorably cuddly in Tom's borrowed hoodie. He wanted to lean right over and engulf himself in Harrison's arms, but Tom didn't have enough courage to do that, he was nervous as it is. Harrison seemed to read his mind though and moved over so he was closer to him. Harrison smiled at him, and Tom's brain turned to mush. How would he ever be able to focus on the movie now?

Tom started falling asleep when it started getting late and Harrison smiled as he tried to to stay awake. Harrison wanted nothing more than to pull him into his arms and cuddle him, but that wouldn't be smart. Tom was soon fast asleep and he moved his head so it was resting closer to Harrison so he could stretch out. Harrison blushed, smiled and pulled Tom gently, so he was lying directly on his lap. Running a hand through his hair unconsciously as he continued watching the movie. At some stage Harrison fell asleep and it was a mix and entanglement of arms and legs. Harrison subconsciously found himself cuddling right into Tom.

When the boys woke, Tom was the first to move and notice Harrison was cuddling him. He was embarrassed for sure, but didn't have the heart to wake Harrison. He stayed there for a while waiting for him to wake up, basking in his warmth. Harrison woke too after some time and he was surprised to see Tom hadn't moved even though he was awake, but he was grateful anyway he needed a sleep in. It was the holidays now but still.

"U-h I should get up" Tom said quickly.

Harrison nodded, and quickly moved out of his way.


Harry: are you going to come and get your daughter or do you want us to drop her off.

Tom: can you bring her? Thanks.

Harry: My pleasure your highness.

Once both Tom and Harrison were dressed, Tom offered to drop Harrison home, but not before breakfast. Tom was surprised Harrison wasn't completely put off him, but the way he was acting, it seemed quite the opposite.

Tom was in the kitchen when Harrison walked out of the bathroom. Tom was about to crack the eggs into a bowl, when Harrison ducked in behind him.

"Here do it like this" he said and he put his hands onto Tom's helping him crack the egg properly. Harrison kind of took over from there, with Tom half standing next to him and half clinging onto him. Anyone who would've seen that would've thought that they'd been together for an eternity, rather than just 1 date.

"Do you have any berries?" Haz asked and Tom suddenly conscious of the fact he was attached to Harrison..quite literally. He jumped back and went to his freezer and pulled a pack out. Harrison served two plates full of Pancakes and sat down and the table. Tom was just about to take a bit and compliment Harrison's incredible cooking, when the door swung open.

"Tom?!" Harry called. Tom eye rolled and groaned, causing Harrison to laugh.

"Yea, we're in here" Tom called.

Tom heard the voice of his little girl and he smiling as she ran up to him.

"Hey Haz" He exclaimed and, by mistake Harrison looked up before realising.

Hazel caught sight of her school teacher at the dining table.

"Hello Mr Osterfield" Hazel said.

"Hello, Hazel, oh and by the way you don't need to call me Mr Osterfield outside of school, as long as you don't get confused and accidentally call me Harrison at school, I don't mind if you call me Harrison now" Haz replied.

Harry walked in and when he caught sight of Harrison his eyes widened, and he rushed into the kitchen. Tom could hear him breathing loudly, and Tom rolled his eyes once more excusing himself. As soon as he got into the kitchen, and wrapped a hand around Harrys mouth and through his teeth, he yelled "shut up" and Harry stopped being dramatic.

"Oh my god, really" Tom said his hands on his hips.

"Wow, says you, this is so forward for the beginning of a relationship" Harry exclaimed.

"You're unbelievable, did you honestly think we did that on our first date? He stayed over, but believe me we didn't do that, ask him if you don't believe me" Tom seethed.

Harry nodded, Tom wasn't usually one to lie so he stayed there and let Tom walk back out.

"Sorry" Tom said, sitting back down.

"Daddy, can I have some?" Hazel asked.

"Did Nikki feed you?" Tom asked.

"No, she tried to get me to have breakfast, but I wanted to have food once I was home" Hazel replied, and Harrison chuckled under his breath.

"Alright darling" and with that he lifted her onto his lap, where she proceeded to take his pancakes.

Harry called out and left and Tom was thankful to see he'd gone.

"Did you have fun last night?" Haz asked Hazel.

"Yes!! Lots of fun, we watched Spider Man" Hazel said excitedly.

"Is that your favourite movie?" Haz questioned.

"No, I like captain America" Hazel replied.

"Yes, me too" Haz said.

"He's cute" Both Hazel and Harrison say in unison. They burst out laughing and Tom blushes bright red, he doesn't even know why.

"I mean don't get me wrong, spider man's adorable but Steve Rogers, he's next level" Harrison said and Hazel nodded in agreement.

"Come on!! He was injected with weird serum to make him look like that" Tom pointed out.

"Yeah, well Peter was bitten by a spider and he got his powers like that, not much difference" Hazel replied, and Tom blushed again.

"I'll clear the table" Tom said, putting Hazel down and standing up.

As soon as Tom had left Haz and Haz high fived each other. It seemed like these two would get along just fine, and the two loves of Tom's life (not including Tess), would be ganging up on him a lot!

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