Chapter 21: It Would all be OK for a While

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The brown oak walls stood out distinctly, and in stark contrast with the green cushioning on the chairs. Tom's hands shook as he took in his surroundings and the audience. His whole family including Hazel, Harrison's family, friends were there, and yet there was no one supporting Lily, and for good reason. His eyes locked with Lily's at the front in the dock as she sat in cuffs, he did a small gulp as her stare burnt through him. Although she was surrounded by prison guards he couldn't help feel uneasy. The bench where the Judge would sit was far higher up than Tom expected and there were far more seats for the Jurors, than he would've thought. He shivered as his heart rate raised significantly.

After taking in his surroundings he stopped looking around and took deep breaths. He stood beside Harrison and Hazel at the back, Harrison gently squeezing his hand now and again.

The brunette turned around passing Nikki a look and she smiled warmly, calming Tom immensely.

Just like that, the whole courtroom was full of people, and the trial was set to begin.

The court clerk came to the front of the room and began to announce numbers and the Jurors began taking their seats on the side. The court security staff began guiding them in place. In total 12 people would represent the Jury. Tom watched as the court clerk made each person who came up swear and oath. He'd only ever had to be in court once before this and it was for custody over Hazel. It was nothing like what he was facing today.

It was a long process. Lily's lawyer decided she'd object or as they call it in court "challenge" some of the Jurors if they didn't think they'd be a good match and the brunette watched as some of the representatives had to retreat as new ones stepped forth. Finally they finished choosing their 12 people and the trail proceeded to the next stage. It hadn't even started yet and Tom could feel the nerves bundling up inside of him threatening to push themselves up and out. His whole body shook, he knew he wouldn't have to say anything, but it didn't help that he kept reminding himself that the cards that were played today would change his life forever.

The courtroom suddenly fell silent and the court clerk opened the trial, bringing the first witness out.


Tom walked out, his breath slightly heavier than it normally would be. Harrison grabbed his hand to comfort him, Hazel running off to go and see Nikki. As soon as Hazel was out of their sight, Tom let it all out. His tousled curls buried in his boyfriend's shoulder and neck. Tears dampening Harrison's neatly pressed shirt. One hand gripping the front leaving crinkles.

"Please don't make me go back!" Tom cried, his hand not leaving Harrison's shirt.

Harrison didn't say anything, he couldn't. He couldn't bare it. Any of it. The brunette continued to gasp into Harrison as his emotions over took everything else. Tom's once perfect brunette hair messed up. Harrison moving his hands up and down Tom's back just the way he liked it. The two were in a corner away from everyone else, so it didn't matter when Harrison slid his cold hands under Tom's shirt to calm him down. Tom shivered as the cold contact hit his skin.

Tom leaning his whole body into Harrison, and Harrison gladly holding him up while he couldn't hold himself up. If it wasn't for their awful situation, it might've been a sweet moment.

"I'll be here. I promise" Harrison reassured.

He didn't need to say "you'll be alright" or "it's ok" because he knew Tom wasn't "alright" and it wasn't "ok". He knew all he could say was that he'd be there. Although Harrison was the one physically hurt by Lily's outburst, Tom was the one who was emotionally torn to pieces. The one who needed the most time to rebuild and repair himself. Much longer than it had taken for Harrison to recover.

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