Chapter 19: One More Chance

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Tom stood up so quickly he gave himself vertigo.

It couldn't be happening. It just couldn't. He couldn't let this happen. Harrison couldn't actually be dead. Not after everything they'd been through together.

"No. no. No! NO! NO!" Tom shouted. His face red with anger and tears. Emotions running hard through his whole body. He could feel his own anger and confusion mixed with horror at the fact that the love of his life was actually gone.


Harrison had no idea where he was. All he could make out was a faint voice calling for him but it was so far away. At the same time it sounded so close, like he could reach out and grab it.

He knew something wasn't right, because he could still think and yet he knew he wasn't in the world either. He could make out a singular voice in particular.

A voice that was clear, yet foggy. A voice that made Harrison want to wake up and come back.

"I'm not leaving him" is what the voice kept saying, over and over, getting more desperate each time.

Harrison smiled to himself, even though he wasn't there to fight, there was someone else to fight for him. That was what made him want to come back.


Tom would do everything in his power, everything to make sure Harrison came back, and to never leave his side once.

"Please, Please I'll do anything" Tom cried. He wasn't angry anymore, he just wanted someone. Someone to reassure him and tell him that he'd be able to see Harrison's eyes again, he'd be able to cuddle his boyfriend, kiss him, make love to him, and for gods sake make him the father to Hazel and every other child Tom ever had. He wanted all of that and it was all being taken away from him. Life was so horrible to you sometimes. First he was abandoned with his 2 day old daughter, he then had to raise her for 5 years by himself and then he finally meets his purpose and something worth living for and then his poor, darling Harrison is taken. Taken from him, from Hazel, from the world.

From everything.

"Alright, that's enough sir" and they took ahold of the brunette to take him out.

Tom didn't even try to fight, he had no energy. There was no point, because there was nothing worth fighting for.

Nikki had begun to cry as well now. Just seeing her son in such a distressed state pushed it over the edge.

"Tom, Tom we should go" Nikki said gently.

"No, NO I'm not leaving it" Tom said, swallowing his next sob.

"Tom......he's gone." Nikki whispered, and Tom shot her a glare, before he collapsed to the ground in tears.


"God, we have to do something" someone said. Then Harrison could hear a voice again. That same voice from before. One that was full of desperation, but it sounded so hurt, so wounded.

Harrison wanted to call out, to cry for help. Asking someone to bring him back, because he wanted to hold the person who that voice belonged to, the one that was crying out... for him?

"We're going to do something don't worry, he's lost a lot blood, but we can still try" another fuzzy voice said. The voice Harrison wanted to hear again was gone now. The familiar voice that felt so unfamiliar.

As the blonde lay trying to figure out what was happening to him, he was suddenly struck. Struck with something hard, almost electric. Harrison found himself gain consciousness, but he wasn't quite there, not yet.

There it was again, that same warm shock that made his whole body feel like it was on fire.

Slowly memories flooded back and he found himself more awake.

Another shock and Harrison was almost back.



"That's it, 3 shocks" the nurse said.

"No do another one. The last one" The doctor said.

"It might over stimulate his heart and he might die and have absolutely no chance" The nurse said.

"FOR GOD'S SAKE, LISTEN TO ME, DO ONE MORE! He's already dead!! I'm not living with having another person almost there, almost back. And then ruining it by not doing ONE MORE SHOCK" the doctor screamed.

The nurse was so taken aback, she didn't even say anything she just nodded and recharged the defibrillator.


One more shock of electricity and Harrison was back. Suddenly all his senses came alert at one time and he was there, in the world.

His eyes open, his vision blurry and his breathing raspy but he was back and alive. Never to leave again. Not for a long time at least.

"Oh my god he's back! We've got him!!" The doctor shouted and the nurses rushed around moving things to help get oxygen and fluids back into him. Three nurses checking his vitals at one time.

He was alive.

What's more, he was awake.

Once they'd got him back to a liveable state. The doctor rushed out hoping her patients significant other would still be here. Much to her luck Tom was outside, in a heaping mess of tears.

"Mr Holland, he's alive"

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