Chapter 18: Heart Stopping

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Lily put it all together in her head and it seemed it would work out just fine. So gathering her things she made her way out. She knew this would work, how else was she supposed to be happy. Because while Tom was happy, she'd never be happy. As long as he was miserable she'd finally be happy again.


Tom rolled over to face Harrison, moving some hair out of his face.

"You don't know how much I love waking up to you every morning" Tom said, smiling. Tom pulled Harrison in for a kiss and moved his hands to his hair, gently tugging.

"Baby, as much as l'd love to stay here doing this, It's not a good idea because; 1 Hazel is in the house and 2 she has drama lessons...with me" Harrison said after the kiss. Tom pulled a face and nodded, kissing Haz one more time.

Tom reluctantly let go of his warm boyfriend and while Haz got ready he lay lapping up the last of the warmth Harrison had left behind.

"Hazel?" Harrison called. "Haz, are you up?" Harrison called again.

"Yep" she replied, walking into the kitchen.

"Good girl. You're so much better than your father" Harrison joked and Hazel giggled.

"Righto, if "TOM!" Gets up anytime soon, we can be on our way" Harrison said, shouting Tom's name particularly loudly.

"Here" Tom mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning" Hazel said pulling her dad down to kiss him. He smiled back, giving her a kiss back on her cheek.

Harrison served food, before quickly planting a kiss on Tom's lips.

"Hurry up and eat" he said before going to finish getting his things ready.

By the time he was back, Hazel had finished and Tom who was still half asleep had finished too.

"Come on babe, I'm NOT carrying you to the car" Haz said, and Tom chuckled.

"Can you carry me to the car?" Hazel asked, and Harrison laughed and nodded.

He picked her up and spun her round so she was upside down. She squealed in delight and Tom shook his head. Harrison carried her upside down to the car, before strapping her in properly.

"I'll drive Tom, you're literally still asleep" Harrison said, and Tom laughed before getting in on the other side.

Little did Tom know, letting Harrison drive would be the worst decision he's ever made in his entire life.


It had begun to rain. Water rushing down hard and anyone outside getting soaked. As cars drove past water rose up on either side from the surface reservoir on the road.

Harrison turned the radio up as he drove and laughed when Hazel began to sing along to the songs.

"Don't tell me you taught her the songs to Billy Elliot?" Harrison teased, looking over at Tom.

Tom blushed and Hazel answered for him.

"No, he didn't Harry got me to watch the tape when Tom was Billy Elliot, and now I know all the songs" Hazel said, and Haz chuckled.

As they came to an intersection, that's where everything went in slow motion. The opposite line of traffic was supposed to let the lane Haz was in go first, but the other person in that lane thought otherwise, driving straight forward almost like they knew exactly what they were doing.

Harrison slammed on the breaks, but it did nothing. It was too late. Tom watched it all unfold, as the opposing car slammed right into the right side of the car right where the blonde was sitting.

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