Chapter 12: A Trip to see Dad

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"So, I've been thinking a lot, and since you were the first to ask me out, I thought it would only be fair if I asked you the next question" Harrison started.

"I was hoping you'd be my boyfriend? You know we could make this official" Haz finished and Tom smiled. Then he started laughing.

"This whole time I thought you were going to say you didn't want to be with me, and that you did want to keep taking care of Hazel, and now...sorry I'm rambling" Tom joked shyly and Harrison chuckled, leaning forward to gently kiss him.

"Yes I'll be your boyfriend" Tom whispered once he'd broken their kiss.

After enjoying dinner, they decided getting back to Hazel would be more important.


"Harry?" Tom called once he was inside.

A weird noise from him in response told Tom they were in his bedroom.

He walked in with Haz to find Hazel asleep on Harry.

"We'll take her" Tom whispered and Harry nodded, gently moving her and getting up. He smiled and said goodnight before leaving.

Hazel stirred and Tom moved to her after he'd quickly changed.

"Daddy?" She mumbled.

"Shhh, go to sleep darling" He whispered and she closed her eyes again. Harrison came out of the bathroom and sat down.

At this stage, Hazel was awake, but it was late.

"Come on Haze, you need to go back to sleep" Tom said, motioning to the bed.

"No, you just came back" she whined.

"No Hazel, it's late" Tom scolded and she pulled a face, mimicking what he said.

"The sass is real" Harrison joked and Tom gave him a look too.

"Sorry, I won't encourage her" Harrison said, before laughing.

"How about I read out loud" Haz offered and Hazel nodded excitedly.

Tom gave him a "thank you so much" look and he smiled.

"Do you have a book, Hazel?" He asked and she nodded pulling the book Harry had given her out.

He sat down next to Tom and Hazel moved to his lap.
He read the title out loud and began.

"The worlds worst children?" He questioned as he read it out.

"Harry think I'm one of the worst" Hazel replied, Tom rolled his eyes.

"We need to have a talk, Harry and I" Tom joked only to be shushed by his boyfriend.

"Keep reading" Hazel encouraged and Haz laughed and continued.

"Once upon a time, there was a boy name Drew" Haz started.

"Drew, dribbled a lot" He said before pulling a face.

"Ewwww" Hazel said and Tom laughed. He watched as Harrison continued reading and seemed to find himself lost in Harrison's icy blue eyes. Harrison laughed when Hazel laughed and giggled every time she reacted to something he'd said. Tom smiled.

Harrison stopped reading. "You're staring" he whispered.

Tom blushed and looked down. "Keep reading" he mumbled.

"If he could sleep, he would sleep 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year" Harrison continued, and Hazel giggled.

"Like you daddy" she teased and he whined in protest.

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