Chapter 5: Courage and Kindness

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The very obvious mutual pining continued between the teacher and his students father for quite some time before anyone made a move, and let's say, it wasn't either of them who made that move.

"Dad, what's it like having two parents?" Hazel asked one night.

Tom sat down on the end of the bed and tried to put himself in Hazel's shoes.

"Well darling it's not much different to having one parent, just imagine two of me, which go around the house together and kiss each other a lot, and argue sometimes" Tom said.

"Will I ever get two parents?" Hazel asked.

"I don't know Haz, I'm not in love at the moment so I don't know" that was a lie, a huge lie.

"Yes you are!" Hazel protested.

"No....." Tom trailed off.

"I know you are, daddy you can't lie to me" Hazel continued. "Come on, you've known him for ages, he's been my teacher for 4 months" Hazel encouraged.

Tom sighed. "Come on Ms princess it's time for bed" Tom replied, completely side-stepping what she said.

"Only if you admit you like him" Hazel said.

"No Hazel I've had a long day, come on" Tom said.

Hazel gave him a look and Tom looked down, it wouldn't hurt anyone to admit the truth would it?

"I have a huge crush on your teacher, happy?" Tom said quickly.



It was Friday, the day before school holidays started and two months until Tom's job started. Tom had decided to take some advice from his 5 year old daughter. The end of school had come round and Tom was going to pick Hazel up (lately he'd been going and Nikki was wondering why) Harrison was sorting some things out when Tom walked in and he looked up and smiled when he saw Tom.

"Hi Hazel, can you run to the car, I'll meet you there, I just need to do something quickly" Tom said, and Hazel nodded walked outside of the class.

Harrison looked up again "is everything alright?" he asked.

"U-uh actually, I know this might be weird because you teach Hazel and all but I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" Tom said, and the worried look on Harrison's face dropped, and instead he blushed bright bright red.

"Um-m" Harrison was lost for words.

"It's ok if you don't I understand that like, it probably wasn't a very good thought because you shouldn't be involved in this and..." he was cut off.

"Yes, I'd love to go out with you" Harrison replied.

"Really? You're not joking?" Tom said, surprised, and Harrison shook his head.

"I'm not joking, what time suits because I'm easy" Harrison said.

"Around 7.30, I'll come and get you, you have my number right" Tom said and Harrison nodded.

"Great, I'll see you then" Tom said, he smiled one more time and then he walked out and once he was out of Haz's sight, he jumped and brought himself back to reality to stop him making a fool of himself.

When he got into the car, Hazel was waiting for him with Tessa.

"Is it ok if you stay with Nikki tonight?" Tom asked once he'd strapped her in.

"I can always come get you after" Tom said.

"Daddy what's going on" Hazel enquired.

"Nothing why?" Tom said.

"You're lying again" Hazel noted.

"Ok fine I have a date" Tom said.

"With Mr Osterfield?" Hazel said.

Tom blushed and looked into his rear view mirror,

"Yes darling" Tom said smiling brightly.

"Yay dadda, finally" Hazel exclaimed.


"Uhhh" Tom groaned.

"Stop stressing daddy, you look amazing!" Hazel said!

"Are you sure" Tom asked.

"Positive" Hazel replied.

Tom was wearing a Burgundy and black striped shirt with dark green trousers and white converses. He did look amazing.

Harry and Sam rang the door bell to come and collect Hazel.

"We hear you've got a hot date tonight" they said in unison as they walk in.

"Did you practise that line?" Tom asked.

The twins burst out laughing and Hazel runs up to them.

"How's our favourite niece!!" They coo.

"You're only niece is fine" Hazel replied and they laughed.
Hazel runs to her dad and kisses him goodbye.

"We're taking her and Tessa now," Harry says.

"Great! Have fun!" Tom calls.

"You too, just not too much" Harry says winking and Tom blushes.


Tom opened his phone and checked Harrison's address before putting it into his car GPS.

He arrived at his destination 10 minutes later. He took a deep breath and got out and knocked on the door.

A young girl opened the door and practically screamed when she saw Tom. Tom smiled and the girl rushed upstairs and Tom could hear "Oh my god you weren't lying he is drop dead gorgeous, you know your type of gorgeous is different to mine and when you told me you thought he was hot I thought you were being stupid, but damn!" She shouted.

"Charlotte, the door is still open" Harrison complained


Tom burst out laughing and when Harrison walked down stairs to find Tom in fits of giggles, he blushed.
"Sorry about my sister" Harrison apologised.

"No worries" Tom was broken from giggles, when he saw just how nice Harrison looked.

"Wow, you look great" Tom breathed.

"Not so bad yourself" Harrison replied.

Tom found himself feeling a lot less confident now, but Harrison smiled and he regained some of it.

"Where are we going?" Harrison asked.

"Well there's a small restaurant I love going to and then if it's not too late, I don't mind if we do something else as well" Tom replied.

"Well I'm a hopeless romantic so I think it's best if you choose so I don't embarrass myself" Harrison confessed.

"Maybe that's what makes you so charming" Tom muttered.


Maybe it was just luck that Tom didn't get noticed on his date, or maybe no one was out, but either way the two boys enjoyed a nice dinner at a Spanish restaurant talking and laughing like they were old friends. Tom was so much more shy, but more open around Harrison and Harrison really came out of his shell around Tom. They were a perfect match. After they'd finished eating Tom suggested a walk and Harrison nodded. The night air was cool and crisp and Tom was cold. He shivered and Harrison took off his coat, before offering it to Tom.

"Here, I'm not cold anyway" Harrison said and Tom although reluctant, gratefully accepted.

They walked back to the car and Tom really didn't want Harrison to leave, this was the first time he'd been on a date since he'd been with Lily, and he would be lying if he wasn't still picking up his pieces and only just coming back into the dating world, but he had a feeling about Harrison.

"Um, I know this is a bit forward and all, but do you want to come back to my house, and stay over?" Tom asked shying away slightly when Harrison's eyes widened.

"No no, not for that, I mean just to stay" Tom said quickly.

Harrison's expression softened and he smiled "I'd love to"

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