Day 2-Favourite 919 member that is NOT Morrigan (Lambeth)

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Calling. Freezing. Burning. Flying.
(I had to put the title there because it was too long.)

Fear replaced the blood running in her veins. She was up awfully high, sitting upon a throne with a crown placed crookedly upon her head.

She didn't know how she got into this mess.

Unit 919 had waved Miss Cheery and the Hometrain off of Station 919 before saying their goodbyes and opening their own doors and walking through.

Lambeth had waited a bit longer, staring at her door. She knew something bad would happen before it did. She tried to call for help from one of her Unit members, but they had all gone home. She was all alone to fight this situation. She pushed open her door.

She didn't find her Wunsoc wardrobe on the other side. Instead she was greeted by the Bonesmen in a dark alley. They had brought her to this horrid place and dressed her in flowing silks, just like the princess she used to be.

There was no way of getting out of this nightmare.

Calling. Freezing. Burning. Flying.

She didn't know what these words meant just yet, but she repeated them over and over like a lifeline.

Everything around her was blurred by her tears she wasn't letting escape her eyes. She wouldn't let these monsters—these monsters who were gawking at her like she was some animal in a zoo—have the satisfaction of watching her cry.

What would happen to her, she didn't know. And she wouldn't know until just moments before it did. She just knew those four words.

Calling. Freezing. Burning. Flying.

She hoped she would be okay. Cadence had been auctioned off. She would never see her friend again. She was about to be auctioned off. About to have her secret known. About to either be blackmailed into submission, or about to be executed along with the rest of her royal family. Those two options were both as bad as each other, and she didn't know which one she would prefer.

She had to do something to save herself. Maybe even save Cadence, too. But she couldn't. She knew she couldn't because those four words concerned some outside force.

Calling. Freezing. Burning. Flying.

Goodness, she hoped she would be safe.


She clung onto Israfel finally letting the tears fall. He let her down gently on the ground by her Unit members Hawthorne, Cadence and Morrigan. They watched her in her distressed state and Morrigan threw her arms around her.

Lambeth kept whispering thank yous in the other girl's ear as she cried on her shoulder.

She didn't know what she would do now, but she knew one thing: she wasn't going to bottle anything up anymore. She was going to let her Unit members in, and show them the real Lam. She would do it for her family.

461 words

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