Day 17-Morningtide

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i couldn't think of anything to do for morningtide, so i decided to write a jupidad story!


"Ow! Jupiter, that hurt!"

Morrigan was currently sitting on the floor of her bedroom, with her patron sitting on her bed behind her. Jupiter had decided he wanted to be more involved with Morrigan, and considering she never did anything with her hair, he wanted to change that.

Jupiter frowned. "How do the French do this?"

Morrigan laughed despite the pain coming from her head. "Just because they're called 'French braids' doesn't mean only the French use them. Look, are you sure you don't want Martha or Dame Chanda to—"

"No! I'm doing it just fine. Once I practice, I'll be really good I promise. I can even do your hair before school!"

"Woah! Calm down, you're not there yet. Can you even do a ponytail?" Morrigan wriggled out from under his hands and turned to face him.

Jupiter sighed. "No."

Morrigan raised her eyebrows. "And you think that you'll be able to braid my hair? Let's start with ponytails, then plaits and then braids. Okay?"

Jupiter nodded and Morrigan went back to her place in front of him. He started gathering all her hair but was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"It's open!" yelled Morrigan.

The door moved open to reveal Jupiter's nephew, Jack standing behind it. As soon as he saw his uncle sitting behind Morrigan he laughed.

"What is going on here? My, my, Uncle Jove! Are you trying to do Miss Morrigan's hair?"

Jupiter shot Jack a stern gaze. "Not trying. I am doing her hair. What is it that you need, Jack?"

"Oh, nothing. As much as you see Morrigan and I fight, we are friends. I come and visit her in her room from time to time." Jack walked over to the bed and laid down.

Jupiter looked to Jack in surprise. "Well, that's nice of you. Brush please, Mog." Morrigan handed him the brush and he brushed her hair back. He grabbed all the hair together. "Hair tie please." Morrigan handed him the hair tie. He tried to secure the ponytail but his fingers kept getting caught. "How in the world do you do this everyday?"

Morrigan winced as he pulled her hair. "Alright, alright. That's enough for today." She pulled away from Jupiter's grip and grabbed her hair tie from him. She put her hair up in a ponytail and laughed at his bewildered face. "It takes practice, Jupiter. You won't be able to do it the first time."

"How long did it take you to learn how to do it?" asked Jack.

"I was probably able to do it when I was about three or four."

"What?" Jupiter blinked in surprise. "If a toddler could do it why can't I?"

Morrigan rolled her eyes. "You're forgetting that no one would like to be around me so no one did my hair. I would just watch my step-mother do hers and mimic her movements. No one thought to teach me."

Jupiter looked apologetic, but his face was stiff in anger. It was an odd mix to see on someone's face. "You shouldn't have gone through that—"

"Jupiter, it's fine. I'm at the Deucalion now with my family. We don't need to dwell on the past."

"Yeah, but—"

"Uncle Jove. She's okay. You don't need to worry."

Jupiter sighed. "Since when did you two start looking after me? I'm the adult here. You're just the idiotic children."

Morrigan laughed. "You love us though."

Jupiter smiled at them both. "More than anything in the world."

594 words

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