Day 20-The Trials-With my Whole Heart

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Morrigan felt horrible. She had spent the whole day in her bedroom scrunched up into the fetal position. She was constantly running to and from the bathroom, throwing up whatever she had left in her.

Martha had been to her room multiple times that day, checking her temperature and trying to make Morrigan eat. This never worked. Morrigan would run to the bathroom and throw it straight back up.

Morrigan whimpered as she felt a sudden shock of pain in her stomach. She really wished this would all be over soon. She had the Trials to worry about. She couldn't be sick.

The Trials...

Morrigan felt her breathing shorten as a wave of anxiety overcame her. She still didn't know what her knack was and the final trial was only weeks away. Jupiter kept telling her that he would handle it, but Morrigan continued to doubt him.

In her sick state, she found it difficult to keep her anxiety at bay. Tears pricked at the back of her eyes, and she blinked to keep them back. She was unsuccessful and the tears started streaming down her face.

Morrigan normally wouldn't cry like this. She was surprising herself with her vulnerability. She swiped at her eyes, trying to stop her crying. All of a sudden, she heard a knock on her door.

She froze at the noise. She wiped away the tears still streaming down her face. She cleared her throat.

"Come in." Her voice was shaky.

The door opened and Martha stepped in with a cup of tea and a small smile on her face. However, when she saw Morrigan, her face dropped.

"Sweetheart, are you okay? Have you been crying?"

Morrigan shook her head. "I—um—no. I'm just sick. I'll be fine."

"You didn't look like this ten minutes ago. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, seriously, Martha! I'm fine!"

"Don't lie to me, Morrigan. I'm going to get Jupiter."

Morrigan's eyes lit up. "Jupiter's home?"

Martha nodded. "Yeah, he arrived five minutes ago. He'll be in here soon."

Morrigan grinned as she watched Martha leave the room.

Jupiter was home. He was going to look after her for the rest of the day. Everything was going to be okay.

She closed her eyes and waited for Jupiter to come to her room. She hadn't noticed how tired she was and she fell asleep.

She was woken by a hand shaking her shoulder. She looked up groggily and saw a head of ginger hair.

"Hey, Mog. How are you feeling? Any better? You've been asleep for an hour."

Morrigan realised that her stomach didn't hurt anymore. She moved around, making sure it wasn't just the position she was in. She sat up and Jupiter propped up her pillows so she could lean back against them. She looked at Jupiter and smiled.

"Yeah. Much better. What did you do for an hour? Martha went and brought you up here but I was asleep."

Jupiter chuckled. "I sat here and waited for you. You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you. Martha told me you were feeling absolutely horrible so I wanted to let you keep sleeping." Jupiter's face became serious. "She also told me that she found you crying. What was that about?"

Morrigan looked away from Jupiter. She had been sick, she wasn't herself. It was a stupid thing to cry about. She didn't want to tell Jupiter.

"It's fine. I was sick. I wasn't thinking straight. It doesn't matter."

"Of course it matters. Whatever it was made you sad and you're my responsibility so I need to make sure you're happy. So what's wrong, Mog?"

Morrigan stayed silent for a while, fidgeting with the blanket. Jupiter was already so busy and stressed, she didn't want to put another burden on him. But then again he was right. She was his responsibility, and he looked after her. Morrigan turned her head to him.

"What's my knack, Jupiter?"

Jupiter looked surprised. "What's your—what's your knack? Why on Earth would you want to know that?"

Morrigan scoffed. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe because I've got a Show Trial in the next few weeks where I need to show off my knack? Come on, Jupiter. Stop dodging questions and just tell me the truth!"

Jupiter sighed. "You know I can't, Mog. Otherwise I would have. You just need to trust me, okay?"

Morrigan stayed silent.

"Mog? You do trust me, right?"

Morrigan looked at his face. Heartbreak was evident, and Morrigan felt guilty that she was the one at fault. But did she trust him?

"I-I don't know anymore."

Morrigan looked down at her lap, she couldn't bear to look at Jupiter's face. She knew if she did, it would break her heart.

"Oh...well, Mog, just know that this will get figured out, okay?"

Morrigan nodded. She looked up at Jupiter's face. His eyes weren't shining like normal. Instead, they were dull. Morrigan hated herself for what she had just said and she wished she could take it back. She wished she could say, "I do trust you, Jupiter. With all my heart." But she couldn't. She said what she said and she couldn't take it back.

Jupiter stood up.

"Alright, well, I'll be in my study if you need anything, okay? I hope you feel better soon, Morrigan."

She winced at the use of her full name. He only ever called her 'Morrigan' when he was mad at her, or if she was in trouble. She felt awful.

"I'm sorry, Jupiter. I shouldn't have said that."
Morrigan shook her head.

Jupiter turned around to her. "No, you shouldn't have. But you did." He sighed. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself because I made you doubt my trust."

"I do trust you—"

"I'll be in my study, Morrigan."

Jupiter turned around and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

Morrigan laid back down and cried. Not because she felt ill, or because she was scared about the upcoming Trial. But instead she cried because she just watched the person she loved the most walk out of her room, thinking she didn't trust him.

"I do trust you, Jupiter. With my whole heart."

1038 words

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