Day 10-Favourite Crossover-Maybe

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"Difficult. Very difficult."

Morrigan didn't know why she wasn't just put into Slytherin. She was cursed! She didn't deserve to go anywhere but there. She knew all the bad witches and wizards were placed into Slytherin. All the kind ones into Hufflepuff. The smart ones into Ravenclaw. And the brave ones into Gryffindor.
Morrigan wasn't kind. Or smart. Or brave. She was cursed.

She glanced at the four long tables. One decorated black and yellow. One decorated blue and bronze. One decorated red and gold. Finally, her gaze landed on the table decorated green and silver. She was sure we would be setting there within the next couple of minutes.

"Hmm...what to do with Miss Morrigan Crow?"

And cursed, thought Morrigan.

"...and cunning. All four houses. But which values do you most uphold?"

Morrigan was cursed! She shouldn't even be in grand Hogwarts castle. She didn't believe it. If she was going to stay, she deserved to be with the bullies of Slytherin house.

She brought bad luck wherever she went. Once she got her letter her father wasn't surprised. He was actually relieved that she would be leaving him until the next summer holidays. Her misfortune would no longer be his problem.

She glanced back to the cold, bored faces of the Slytherin students. She saw a bit of herself in them. The pale complexion hidden behind the dark hair. A chill rose on her neck as she continued to be stared down.

"Now, Hufflepuff or Slytherin?"

Hufflepuff? Where on Earth did the hat get that from? She wasn't kind. She was far from it. She was hated by all.

Morrigan looked to the Hufflepuff table and saw the warm smiling faces of the students. Maybe being sorted there wouldn't be so bad. But then again, maybe if she was sorted into Slytherin she could distance herself enough that nobody would notice her.

"Definitely hard-working. That much is clear."

Morrigan thought about life in the cold Slytherin dungeons. Then she compared it to the life in the Hufflepuff common room. Which one she would prefer, she didn't know. Maybe they both had their benefits, as well as disadvantages. She looked down to the ground, listening to the hat speak.

"I see greatness in you, Morrigan Crow. You will do great things in...HUFFLEPUFF!"

Morrigan couldn't believe it. She looked to the Hufflepuff table open-mouthed. She felt Professor McGonagall remove the hat from her head and give her a little push on the back.

She was just placed in Hufflepuff house. She slowly made her way over to the celebrating students. She felt a smile spread over her face. Maybe she would end up fitting in and having fun. Maybe...

456 words

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