Day 6 October-Favourite Nevermoor Moment-Do you Trust Me?

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"Just trust do trust me right?"

Morrigan looked down and studied Jack's face. Of course she trusted him. How could she not? He was Jupiter's nephew, but she had never done this before. She was hardly ever allowed out of Crow Manor. Now that she thought of it, she wasn't allowed to just be a kid.

The thought made a wave of sadness over come her, so she looked down at her shoes to hide her face.


Jack climbed out of the sled, and grabbed Morrigan's hand and pulled her over to a bench and sat her down. He knelt in front of her.

"Look, if you don't feel comfortable, we can go home."

"No. No, we can't do that. It's Christmas. You deserve to have fun."

"But, Morrigan, you deserve to feel safe. Whatever you want to do is fine."

She looked down at the slope. It was awfully steep. Anxiety rose in her chest and she tried to keep it down.

"Breathe, it's okay."

Morrigan looked back at Jack as he grabbed her hands in his. Somehow, this made her feel more confident.

"I'll...I'll do it."

"Really?" Jack couldn't hide the joy from his voice. "Uh...I mean, if you're sure. Seriously, Morrigan, if it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to do it."
"No. It's okay. Let's go."

They both stood up and walked back over to the sleds. Jack hopped straight into his, while Morrigan looked anxiously from her sled to the other kids going down the slope.

"Come here."

She looked over to Jack and saw him moving to the back of his sled. He gestured for her to join him in the sled.

"This way I'll hold onto you and you won't fall out or hurt yourself in anyway."

Morrigan looked at him and the sled for a while before slowly making her way over to him. She sat down in front of him and Jack pulled her back, making her lean against his chest. He then wrapped his arms around her waist. Morrigan didn't notice. She was too scared to notice.

"Do you trust me?"

She looked back at him and saw concern all over his face.

"Of course." It was the truth. Even though they fought and argued, Morrigan trusted Jack just like she trusted Jupiter and Hawthorne and everyone else at the Deucalion.

She turned back around and faced the slope. Jack removed one arm from around her waist and placed it by the snow, ready to push them off.

"Ready? One..."

Morrigan placed a hand on Jack's knee.


She squeezed.


Jack's hand went back to its place around her waist while she kept her death grip on his knee.

As they rode down the slope, Morrigan started screaming in terror, but the terror quickly faded to reveal joy. Her hand moved from Jack's knee and she flung both hands up in the air, laughing loudly.
Once they got to the bottom Morrigan jumped up and turned around to see a large smile on Jack's face.


"Nothing. I just—good job, Morrigan. I know what life was like for you in the Republic. I'm proud of you for coming out of your comfort zone."

Morrigan felt a grin start to grow on her face.

"Thanks, Jack. That was awesome! Let's do it again!!"


They spent the whole day at the snow slopes. They didn't realise they should go home until the sun began to set, making the snow look golden. On the way home, they talked and talked. They talked about Morrigan's Wunsoc trials, and Jack's life at school. They laughed and picked on each other, but didn't get mad.

Morrigan stopped Jack about a block away from the Deucalion.



"Thank you for today. You could have ignored Jupiter's note, and not taken me but you didn't. Thanks for that."

"No problem, Morrigan. Anytime. How about we go back tomorrow?"

"That sounds amazing."

They continued their walk home talking about everything they would do tomorrow.

When they finally made it to the hotel, they were instantly attacked by Martha.

"Oh, goodness! It's absolutely freezing outside! Why are you home so late?"

Martha, surprisingly was looking at Jack, completely ignoring Morrigan.

"Seriously, Jack. You're the older person here. You should have been responsible!"

"W-well, I, um...we... it was just so much fun, Martha! And Morrigan, she was so nervous at first—" Morrigan blushed and looked down at this "—but then by the end of it, she was having so much fun, I didn't want to make her stop!"

Martha's hard gaze softened as she looked between Jack and Morrigan.

"You're a good man, Jack."

Morrigan and Jack both looked up to the top of the spiral staircase where Jupiter was standing.

"Jupiter, you're home!"

"Hey, Uncle Jove!"

"I thought it would be a nice little Christmas surprise to not tell you when I would be home. I knew I would be home in the late afternoon, so I made Jack take you sledding. But I've been home for an hour, all on my lonesome!"

Jupiter pouted and tried his hardest to look sad. Morrigan laughed while walking over to him to give him a hug. She wrapped her arms around his middle while he wrapped his around her shoulders.

"I've got an idea," began Jupiter. "How about we all go back to the slopes tomorrow and have more fun?"
Morrigan and Jack both looked to each other with a smile.

"Already one step ahead of you."

925 words

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