Day 14-Wunder-I'll See You Soon...

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Morrigan trudged up the hill, every step exhausting her more and more. Finally she saw what she was coming for and smiled. She saw him.

She walked over to where Jupiter lay down, and sat next to him. She stared off into the horizon, thinking about everything that led up to this point. She smiled at the thought of her family and friends. A lone tear escaped her eye and she wiped it away, sniffling.

She softly starting singing.

"Morningtide's child is merry and mild."

The familiar warmth came to her as Wunder started to gather.

"Eventide's child is wicked and wild."

She sat feeling the sun beam down on her face.

"Morningtide's child arrives with the dawn."

Her hands began to tingle.

"Eventide's child brings gale and storm."

Morrigan had begun to notice that it took longer each time she summoned Wunder. But she didn't mind. She had all day to spend with her patron.

"Where are you going, o son of the morning?"

She closed her eyes once again, preparing to make something out of her Wunder.

"Up with the sun where the winds are warming."

The Wunder twisted around her fingers, acting as if it was just an extension of her hands.

"Where are you going, o daughter of the night?"

She focused on the image in her mind, willing the Wunder to do as instructed.

"Deep down below where the pale things bite."

Morrigan opened her eyes and looked to where her hands lay in her lap. In them she held a red rose. She sighed contently.

"You know, Jupiter...I think that may be the last time I summon Wunder." Morrigan felt tears prick the back of her eyes. "I'm so tired after every summoning, I just don't think I can do it anymore."

She looked out to the city of Nevermoor. Her home.

"I went and visited Hawthorne and Cadence today. I miss them so much. They left a while ago, but they're my best friends. Going from seeing them everyday this. It's not fun."

Morrigan chuckled. "I had a dream last night. Except it was a memory. It was the night after I found out I was a Wundersmith, and I was so angry and confused, I didn't know how to feel. You had walked past my room and heard me crying and walked in. You just sat there, holding me all night, letting me cry..."
Morrigan trailed off, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"Jack's gone too, by the way." She fidgeted with the rose in her hands. "He told me to let you know that he loves you...and, um...he wanted to thank you for being the best uncle he could've ever asked for. He said he'll talk to you as soon as he gets the chance."

Morrigan let the tears leave her eyes. She felt them stream down her face and fall off at her jawbone.

"I think—" her voice cracked. "I think it's almost time for me to leave as well. I just don't think Nevermoor is the place for me anymore." She paused. "I don't think any place is the place for me anymore. I think it's time I move on."

She looked over to the gravestone and placed the rose just in front of it, where she had placed countless other flowers before.

"You understand, don't you? Maybe this is a good thing. I'll see you, and Jack, and Hawthorne, and Cadence again." Morrigan nodded to herself. "Yeah. This is a good thing."
She bit her lip holding back a sob as she looked out over Nevermoor.

"It's going to be hard to leave this place. I've been here for a while. Since I was eleven. Now how old am I?" Morrigan chuckled. "Gosh, I don't even know. I'm old, that's for sure."

She looked back at the gravestone.

"But don't you worry, Jupiter. You'll see your little Mog soon. I'll see you soon..."

660 words

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