Day 16-The Hunt of Smoke and Shadow-Sleepover

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Morrigan was taken away from Nevermoor into the book she was reading. She was currently in the country of England, out in a field listening to the chirping of birds.

Suddenly, she heard her door slam against the wall as Jupiter frantically opened it and ran in, Jack behind him. Jupiter's face was red, and Jack's confused. Jupiter spun around and shut the door once his nephew was inside. When he looked at Morrigan, he seemed relieved to see her.

"Ahh, there you are!" said Jupiter casually.

"Lovely day out, isn't it? However, it's a bit chilly. You should probably close your window, Mog. Don't want you catching a cold, now do we?" He walked over to her window and shut it. Morrigan walked over to the window to open it back up again, but Jupiter shut the curtains.

"Jupiter, it's boiling today! Open the window again!"

Jupiter turned around to her and ran his hand through his ginger hair. "No, Mog. It's just too cold. Now, what should we do?" Jupiter walked over to the bed and sat down as if nothing had happened. Jack and Morrigan shared a quick glance at each other before sitting down across from him.

"How about we go to the Smoking Parlour? It's pretty hot in here, it'll be better there," said Jack.

Jupiter quickly shot down his idea.

"Let's stay here!" Jupiter had plastered a fake smile on his face. "What can we do here?"

"Uncle Jove, Morrigan's room is about as interesting as her personality. It's boring."

Jupiter looked at his nephew with a stern gaze. "Jack, don't. Morrigan's personality is perfectly fine."

Morrigan laughed.

"You never tell him off! Why's this time any different?"

"Because I'm trying to be a better adult." Jupiter sat up straighter, as if trying to prove his point.

Jack pouted.

"No! I don't want you to be an adult! Stay normal forever, please!"

Jupiter laughed but Morrigan wasn't paying attention. She had heard the howl of wolves.

"Mog? Mog, are you okay?"

Morrigan shook her head, trying to get the noise out of her mind. She looked up at her patron.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just...hearing things." She looked towards the window.

"Okay then. Well, I think it should be an early night for you both. I'll get some food up here, and then we'll just hang out. Ooh! I have an idea! How about we have a sleepover in here tonight?"

Morrigan was completely and utterly confused. "Jupiter, the only place we ever have sleepovers in is the Smoking Parlour. We aren't going to have a sleepover in my bedroom!"

Jupiter looked at her as if she was crazy. He looked around at the room.

"No, I think it'll be fine. We can move that chair, and bring those camper mattresses up from downstairs." He nodded to himself. "Yes, tonight is going to be fun!"

"Can't the room do it on its own?" complained Morrigan.

"The room can't do everything for you, Mog. Alright, I'm going to go get food and the mattresses. I'll be back soon."

He started walking towards the door and Jack and Morrigan hopped up and started following him.

"You two stay here. I'll go on my own. Just don't leave the room."

Jack frowned. "Why?"

"Because I said so. I'll be back soon."

And with that, Jupiter exited the room, closing the door behind him. Morrigan instantly turned to Jack.

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