Day 18-The City of Nevermoor

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for day 18 i decided to draw (see above photo)! later on, i was talking to @Someone_11123 about theories behind jack's past. i decided to take my favourite and write a story about it!


Morrigan heard a knock on the door interrupting her reading. She looked down to her waist where the tentacles of her octopus chair were wrapped around her. She tried to wriggle out of its grip but she was unsuccessful. She sighed and sat back.

"It's open!" she yelled.

The door clicked open to reveal Jack and Jupiter. They walked into her room. Morrigan smiled as she saw them.

"Jupiter! You're home!"

"Hi, Jack. How are you? Oh, I'm fantastic, Morrigan. How about you?" Sarcasm dripped from Jack's voice.

Morrigan rolled her eyes. "Hi, Jack. How are you?"


"Alright you two, that's enough." Jupiter and Jack walked over to Morrigan's bed and set down. Jupiter's face suddenly became very nervous. "Mog, can we speak to you?"

Morrigan closed her book. "'We'? Why 'we'? Why not just you? What's going on? Have you decided you love Jack more than me and you're sending me back to Jackalfax?"

Jupiter's eyes widened in horror. "Goodness no! I would never do that! No, we just want to talk to you about—"

"About me." Jack cut off Jupiter.

Morrigan frowned. "You? What about you?"

Jupiter and Jack stayed silent.

"Okay, I'm very confused right now so it would be greatly appreciated if someone told me what was going on."

Jupiter was the first to speak.

"You know Jack's my nephew, right?"

Morrigan slowly nodded.

"Haha! It's a prank. I'm not his nephew!"

Jupiter suddenly got very quiet. Morrigan looked between him and Jack.

"I—um—excuse me?"

"Mog, you're going to need to relax, okay? You have to promise not to get mad. We can't have you..." Jupiter shook his head. "Nothing. I'm not going to say that." Jupiter looked down to his lap guiltily.

"Can't have me what? Can't have me getting angry and using my Wunder? I'm trying, okay? I'm trying so hard not to be the dangerous entity I'm made out to be. So just say what you're going to say and get this over with."

Jupiter sighed. "Jack's a witness. Like me. You know that." Jupiter swallowed. "Two years before I brought you to Nevermoor, Jack competed in the Wunsoc Trials."

Morrigan's jaw dropped. She tried to get up but her chair's tentacles were still wrapped firmly around her waist. "What do you mean he competed in the Wunsoc Trials? Are we talking about the same Wunsoc? The one I'm in?"

Jupiter nodded. "Yeah. His patron's name was Ruby Westfield. She was a very nice lady—"

Jack laughed.

"Unfortunately, Jack didn't make it through the Show Trial."

Morrigan blinked in surprise. "What? Why? You got accepted! And you're a witness, too!"

Jack sighed. "I wasn't in control of it yet. Not like I am now. I would look at something and just see colours. In my Show Trial, I was so overwhelmed by everything I saw that I passed out. Jupiter ran to me and took me home. It was the most humiliating day of my life."

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