Day 26-Saint Nicholas or the Yule Queen?-Stupid Hat. Stupid Ribbon.

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Morrigan sighed. They had been arguing all day.

"Who wouldn't want presents?"

"Who wouldn't want snow?" retorted Jack.
"Seriously, Morrigan. The Yule Queen is better."
Morrigan shook her head. "They're going to call a truce, anyway. Just like they do every year."

They heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," called Morrigan.

The door opened to reveal Jupiter.

"You two better not be fighting."

"We're not," said Morrigan at the same time Jack said "We are." She turned around to glare at him. "Are not. We're just having a little disagreement."

Jupiter looked between the two. "What about?"

"Jack's too stupid to realise that Saint Nicholas is better!"

"Morrigan's skull is too thick for facts to pass into her brain! The Yule Queen is better by far!"
Jupiter chuckled. "This is really what you've been arguing about all day?"

"Yes! It's a topic I'm very passionate about," replied Morrigan.

"Who do you support, Uncle Jove?"

"Oh, you know this, Jack. I don't pick sides. They're both as good as each other."

"Are not," said Jack and Morrigan.

"Alright. That's enough. We're late now, so we need to get going. I grabbed your coats. Come on."

Morrigan glanced up at her clock and saw that they were, indeed, going to be late. She rushed off her bed over to Jupiter. She grabbed her coat from his outstretched hand and put it on. She tightened her ribbon in her hair and turned to Jack who had put on his hat and coat.

"Stupid hat," whispered Morrigan.

"Stupid ribbon," replied Jack.

Jupiter shook his head at the two children.

"Come on you two. Let's go!"


After the magical spectacle had ended, Morrigan turned around to Jupiter, yawning widely. He started laughing.


When Jack turned around, Jupiter only laughed harder.

Morrigan and Jack looked at each other and that was when she noticed.

Jack was wearing a red coat.

Morrigan was wearing a green one.

She turned around to Jupiter and whacked him on the arm. He laughed hysterically.


"You—you—haha! You wore...and he wore...oh my wore green. He wore red. Oh my goodness!" Jupiter once again fell into his state of laughter. Morrigan rolled her eyes.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." She turned to see Jack muttering under his breath and removing his coat. He handed it to her and removed the green one right off her back.

"Hey! I'm cold!"

"Well, put the stupid red one on!"

Morrigan put the coat on and wrapped her arms around herself glaring at Jack. Then she turned to Jupiter.


"Because why does it matter who you support? We know how it's going to end! They're going to call a truce. It's alright, Mog. Calm down. It was just a little joke."

"Wasn't very funny."

Morrigan couldn't stay mad at Jupiter for very long as she felt the exhaustion of the day overcome her. She looked up at him and he instantly picked her up, putting her on his back. She laid her head on his shoulder as he walked the way home, Jack following next to him.



"You look good in green. You should wear it more."

"Haha, very funny."

"I know. I am very funny. It's part of my charm."
Morrigan felt a small smile grow on her face. Regardless of whoever won the battle, she was just happy to be out with her family catching up on all the Christmas fun she missed out as a child. She couldn't wait to do it again next year.

596 words

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