Day 13-Ezra Squall-This is Going to be Fun

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Ezra Squall waited in the corner of her room, hidden behind a shelf, watching as Morrigan's eyes flicked over the note. He lightly chuckled as he watched a tear fall onto the paper. Morrigan raised her hand to wipe the tears away.

As she rose from the bed, Ezra's eyes narrowed in interest. He followed her every move, waiting to see what would happen next. She walked past his position to the door. She grabbed her bag off the back of it and Ezra knew she had made up her mind. Morrigan was going to go with him, but not because she wanted to. Because she didn't want her precious Jupiter to get hurt. Ezra smiled at the image of Jupiter writhing in pain in his study where he had left him. He had to make sure the ginger wouldn't pull some stupid stunt to make his little Morrigan stay.

Ezra's eyes followed Morrigan as she grabbed out a notebook and a pen and began writing something. He had no doubt it would be a note for her patron. He almost let out a laugh at the pathetic sadness that the girl was displaying.

Once the young girl had finished writing, she layed the book down on her bed and walked over to her dresser. She started opening drawers, grabbing items of clothing from them and stuffing them into her bag. She then picked up two photo frames from the dresser and walked back over to the bed, placing them down with the notebook. She picked up her bag and threw it over her shoulder. She then turned to the room.

"Goodbye, Room 85. Thank you for everything."

She then left, leaving Ezra alone in the room.

He sighed, smiling to himself. This was certainly going to be fun. He had everything he had wanted. He had Miss Morrigan Crow. She was finally going to take up his apprenticeship. He couldn't be any happier. He exited through the door, finding his way out of the hotel.


He watched as Morrigan exited the Deucalion. She then looked back up at the hotel and said something he couldn't quite hear. A cold smile grew on his face as she turned around to him.

"Hello, little crowling."

"Squall. Why am I here?"

He laughed. "You, my dear, are finally going to become my apprentice. Oh, this is going to be fun."

Ezra turned around and started walking, gesturing for Morrigan to follow.

"Come, now. You have so much to learn."

417 words

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