Day 7-Favourite Wundersmith Moment-The Heavenly Voice

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She felt...happy. Content. Safe. She would never again be sad. The voice echoing in her ears was heavenly. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever heard. The celestial being was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Everything was just beautiful. She never wanted to leave.

A wave crashed over her head but she couldn't tear her gaze from the celestial being. She couldn't stop listening.

Pain exploded in her lungs and her brain told her to hold her breath but she couldn't. She wasn't in control of her actions anymore. She started feeling light headed and her eye lids became heavy. She knew she would die. She would die listening to the heavenly voice.

The voice stopped, breaking her out of her reverie. She looked up and saw another wave over her head. She coughed out water and she gasped for breath but none would come. She was no longer feeling happy, she was sad. More than sad, she was depressed. Water crashed over her and she fell to the ground, screaming.


She woke up screaming and quickly sat up looking around her room. When she looked to her left, she saw a head of ginger hair and a wall of grey fur.

"Mog! Mog, are you alright? Breathe, it's okay, it was just a dream." The soothing voice of her patron filled her ears and calmed her down the tiniest bit.

But it wasn't just a dream. That was the horrible reality of those poor people who died in the Museum of Stolen Moments. Although those people were awful, and were ready to auction off her friends, they didn't deserve the cruel end they faced.

Morrigan laid back down on her bed and turned her back toward Jupiter and Fen. She hid her face in her pillow and started to cry.

She heard the faint padding of Fen's paws on the hardwood floor and the click of the door as she exited. She felt Jupiter's hand on her back, rubbing up and down.

"It's okay. Just let it out. Breathe."

But Morrigan couldn't breathe. She was finding it extremely hard. She would gasp for a breath but it wouldn't come. She felt like she was back in her dream, drowning.

She then felt Jupiter's hand leave her back. Her anchor to the real word. This only made her panic more and she started to lose vision of the room; everything was turning black.

Jupiter reappeared right in front of her and grabbed her hands, rubbing the backs of them.

"Breathe with me. Please, Morrigan, breathe. Breathe in."

Morrigan breathed in a shaky breath with him.

"And breathe out."

Morrigan breathed out.

"Breathe in."

They took a breathe in.

"Breathe out."

They did this eight more times, even after Morrigan got her vision back. She sat up and looked into Jupiter's blue eyes and saw the concern deep inside.

"I'm sorry."

Jupiter blinked in surprise. "What?"

"I'm sorry. It's so early in the morning. It's—" she glanced towards the clock "—1:57. You shouldn't be up."

Jupiter frowned. "Oh, Mog. Don't worry about that. Fen told me she was walking around the Deucalion and came up to the fourth floor. She said she heard you screaming and she came and woke me up. I came as fast as possible—"

"Yeah, but you shouldn't have had to."

"No, Morrigan. Of course I did. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have come."

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