Day 25-Favourite Jupidad Moment-Best Birthday Present Ever

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Morrigan woke up feeling extremely happy. It was her birthday! She knew Jupiter had a surprise prepared for her, and she was anxious to find out what it was.

She looked down to the end of her bed and saw a pile of presents.

First, there was a book from Martha. The note read "Happy birthday, Morrigan! You are as magical as the books you read. I hope you have a lovely day."

Next, there was a new black dress from Dame Chanda. Her note read "Darling Morrigan, I give you my best wishes on your birthday. Love, Dame Chanda."

As Morrigan worked her way through the pile, she received countless chocolate boxes from the Deucalion staff. Charlie had even given her a bouquet of roses that she placed on her bedside. Towards the bottom of the pile, there was a sock that she had been missing for a while. She doubted that it could have been given back to her by anyone but Fen.

Right at the bottom, lying on her bed, was a card. Morrigan picked it up and examined the front. "Happy Birthday!" it said. Morrigan opened it up and read.

Dear Morrigan,

I am extremely sorry I cannot be there for your birthday. Only a couple weeks into school and we're being bombarded with work.

Even though I am not there, I hope you have an amazing day. Your gift from Jupiter will certainly be the best. You'll love it.

Happy birthday!


Morrigan was smiling when she finished reading the card. She loved Jack and wished he could be there, but she knew he sent his best wishes.

While reading the card, Morrigan was once again reminded of the birthday present Jupiter had prepared for her. She picked up all her presents and placed them on her dresser, then she walked to the door.

Stuck to the back of the door was a note. It was written on Jupiter's signature paper. She took it from the door and read it.

Happy birthday, Mog!
I hope you slept well. Please come down to the lobby as soon as you read this. I've got something planned.

Morrigan put on a jacket that was hanging on the coat stand and exited the room. She walked through the halls, smiling widely. However, as she got closer to the lobby, she could tell something wasn't right.

Somebody was yelling, and another was calmly talking back, but Morrigan could tell they were holding back anger. She would have thought that this could have easily been a resident and a worker arguing if she didn't recognise both of the voices. One was Jupiter. The other was Baz Charlton.

"It's your fault she's here! Your fault she's in the Wundrous Society!"

Jupiter chuckled. "If you knew her backstory then you would understand. But no, you haven't bothered to ask—"

"Then tell me, North. Tell me everything."

"I'm afraid I can't."

Morrigan sighed. She knew they were talking about her. She walked over to the spiral staircase and hid from the two, watching the scene unfold.

"That's right. You can't tell me anything. You know as well as I do that she's dangerous and shouldn't be in Wunsoc."

"Your scholar needed a safeguard, too!"

"Of three signatures, North. Not nine!"

Jupiter's face set into a cold hard stare directed at Baz. "You are currently on private property, Charlton. My private property. If you refuse to leave right now, I will call the Stink and charge you for trespassing."

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