Day 9-Favourite Relationship-Black and Gold

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"He's...jealous. I think. There's a green cloud over his eyes."

"Jealous of who?"

"The man in the white button up and black trousers next to the woman in the gold dress. He must like the lady and is jealous of the man."

Frank was hosting another one of his extravagant parties. Morrigan wasn't able to invite Cadence or Hawthorne to this one since it was Jack's birthday. Jupiter had said he only wanted it to be a very small thing with only the Deucalion staff and residents attending. Jack had only just come home from school the day before, and Jupiter didn't want to overwhelm him. Of course, Frank had gone out of his way to make it the biggest party of Jack's life.
Morrigan and Jack had followed Jupiter around the party for the first hour, greeting guests. Once they finally met everyone, Jack and Morrigan made their way up the stairs to play her favourite game.

"What about..." began Morrigan scanning her eyes all over the floor of the lobby.

"You," finished Jack.

"I—um—what?" She looked to Jack in surprise.
"You. Let's focus on you. You are basically vomiting joy. Has the bullying stopped?"

"Oh." Morrigan looked down to her shoes. "No, it hasn't, but I'm just really happy to be here."

Jack chuckled and Morrigan looked up at the sound. "Why? It's not like we don't have parties every other weekend. And we've had birthday parties too."

"Yeah, but now it's your birthday. You're not always the special one. I know since I've come to Nevermoor you've sort of been pushed to the side and I apologise for that. But tonight is your night, and I'm going to make sure I'm happy, and everything is okay for you."

Jack looked surprised. "Morrigan, just having you here is great. I couldn't have cared less if it was only Uncle Jove, you and I. Or even just you and I. I'm sure we would have figured something out. You don't need to be any other way than what you are every day. Okay?"

"Okay, but—"

"No 'but's. We're going to have fun. Let's go." He grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him.

"Where are we going?"

Jack pulled her all the way over to the food and drinks table. "May I treat the young lady to a drink?"

Morrigan giggled. "Of course."

"You two better not be drinking."

Morrigan felt a tight squeeze on her sides. She shrieked and turned around to see Jupiter.

"We're not, Uncle Jove. We were just getting some soft drink. Hey, how long do we need to stay down here? I kind of want to go up to the Smoking Parlour. I'm really tired."

Jupiter looked between both Jack and Morrigan with a confused look on his face. "I don't want you to be getting into any sort of trouble." He checked his watch. "Jack, it's only nine thirty. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a long week at school."

"Okay, if you're sure. I want you to stay down here for another hour. Then you can go up to the Parlour, or go to bed. Whatever you want. If you need me, send someone to find me."

Morrigan and Jack nodded and Jupiter turned and left. Morrigan turned to Jack.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh, yeah, definitely. I'm just not a fan of big parties. Especially big parties for me. I want to get out of here as fast as possible. Will you come with me? I'm not that tired and don't really want to be alone."

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