Day 19-The Deucalion-The Tricksy Room

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"I'm sorry, but chocolate is better."

"No way! Vanilla is classy. Chocolate is what three year olds get."

Morrigan scoffed. "Have you ever considered the fact that I didn't get ice cream as a three year old? I'm chocolate deprived!"

Jack rolled his eyes. "You are not chocolate deprived. You're dramatic. There's a difference."

"Well, we're just going to have to agree to disagree."


Morrigan leant back in her chair and grabbed her bowl of ice cream. She smiled as she scooped a bit out and rose it to her mouth.
All of a sudden, she felt a sharp pain as her headband was ripped from her hair. She turned around and saw Jack holding it with a smirk spread wide across his face.

"Jack! Give it back!"

"Not until you say vanilla is better."

Morrigan jumped up out of her seat. She reached for her headband but Jack held it high above his head. Morrigan frowned.

"That's not fair! You're a giant! And I'm...average sized. Just give it back!"

" I don't think I will."

And with that, Jack ran through the doors back into the Deucalion. Morrigan broke into a run and followed him. She yelled after him.

"Jack, just stop. I'm not going to chase you through the whole Deucalion. Just give it back!"

"Vanilla is better! You need to agree!" Again, he started running through the great maze of the Deucalion.

"You're acting like a child!" Morrigan rolled her eyes and ran after him.

She followed his every move. Jack turned a corner, Morrigan turned a corner. She kept her pace not too far behind Jack.

While they ran through the Deucalion they heard the liveliness of the Hotel. They passed the Music Salon. They heard the lovely voice of Dame Chanda. They passed the Smoking Parlour. They heard the latest gossip being passed between residents.

Morrigan felt a wide grin grow on her face. She loved it here at the Deucalion. She loved her friends and family. She wished she could have grown up here, where people loved her and treated her with respect.

She laughed as she continued to chase Jack through the halls.

"Jack! Just give it back!"


Morrigan laughed again and continued to race Jack.

They made it onto the fifth floor, and Jack had gained some distance. He took the stairs three at a time, while Morrigan could only take one. This slowed her down, however she was determined to catch up with him.

She tripped over and fell into a door. She shrieked with laughter as the door opened to reveal a room. The smile was quickly wiped off her face when she turned around.

She was met with pairs of red eyes and the howls of wolves. She turned back to the door. It had closed behind her. She tried to open it but she found it was locked.

Morrigan turned back to the Hunt. Anxiety rose in her chest and made its way to her throat. She swallowed trying to keep it down.

Her eyes scanned the room but she could only see black and red. She pressed herself up against the door, praying it would open. Then she heard it.

She heard Ezra Squall singing.

Morrigan tried to scream but nothing came out. She was in a locked room with Ezra Squall. She shook the handle of the door but it wouldn't budge. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to keep her tears back.

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