Day 4-Favourite Deucalion member thats NOT Jupiter (Martha)-Its Just Too Similar

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Martha had sat down for the past half hour in the lobby watching Morrigan pace around. She knew what was troubling her and it broke her heart. Jupiter had been away for two weeks. He was due to come back home this morning, but he was late.

When Martha had tried to get Morrigan to eat something for lunch, she had taken a bite of an apple before throwing it away. Then she had gone up to her room and Martha had decided not to follow, allowing the girl some space.

That had been three hours ago. Martha was cleaning up the lobby when she heard Morrigan come down the stairs. Martha didn't say anything as she watched Morrigan sit down in one of the lobby chairs with a book. Every now and then, she would glance up at the door, waiting for her patron to arrive back home. She had sat in the chair for ten minutes, before standing up and pacing around in the lobby. Kedgeree had tried to tell her to sit down but she wouldn't listen.

Martha had tried to stay quiet, and let Morrigan release her stress in her own way, but her lips let words pass before she could stop them. "Morrigan, please sit down."

Morrigan glanced up at her before looking back at the door and resuming her pacing.

Martha walked over to the girl and placed her hands on her shoulders, leading her back over to the couch she had previously occupied. Morrigan wouldn't look at her. She kept staring down at her lap, fidgeting with the hem of her dress.

"He'll be back home soon. Just breathe."

Morrigan looked up at Martha before looking back down and mumbling something.


"I just need him home. He said he would be home last week. I—just—he needs to come home."

Martha placed a finger on Morrigan's chin and tilted her head up to look at her. She was a bit surprised to see tears in Morrigan's eyes.

"How about we go up to your room?"

Morrigan's eyes quickly flicked back to the door.

"But Jupiter—"

"Kedgeree will send him up once he arrives home. Okay?"

Morrigan nodded and Martha grabbed her hand. They walked up the stairs to Morrigan's room. Every time Morrigan would sniffle, Martha would squeeze her hand and rub the back of it with her thumb. When they made it to Morrigan's room, Morrigan went straight to her bed and pulled a thin blanket on top of herself. Martha sat on the chair next to the bed and watched Morrigan get comfortable.

"I know you miss him. We all do."

"But you're used to it. This...this is exactly what..."
Morrigan trailed off, more tears coming to her eyes. Martha stood up to close the door and this must have comforted Morrigan because sobs started to over take her body. Martha walked over to her and started rubbing circles on her back.

"It's like what? You can tell me. I won't tell Jupiter."

"Oh, please d-don't. He'll h-hate the thought of it."
Morrigan calmed herself down a bit before she spoke. She was no longer sobbing and her body had stopped convulsing.

"When Jupiter's gone, it's like I'm back at the Republic. My father used to go away a lot. Sometimes for months at a time. It wouldn't make me sad. It wouldn't be any different than what it was when he was home. But...when Jupiter's's just too similar."

Martha's heart broke at the thought. If Morrigan thought that it was similar to life at the Republic, then that must mean she doesn't think she can talk to the Deucalion staff. Martha tried to hide her disappointment but Morrigan noticed and immediately sat up.

"What? Are you okay, Martha? Did I say something wrong?" Concern was evident in Morrigan's voice.
"No, not at all, dear. It's just—you know you can talk to us? The staff I mean, and people like Dame Chanda. And Jack! You can talk to him."

"And I do talk to Jack. But he hasn't been home in months. I'm sorry, Martha. There is just certain stuff that I need to talk to Jupiter and Jack about. Please don't be offended.

"Oh, Morrigan. Of course I'm not offended. But you can't let it get this bad. You need to talk. Or...oh! Write letters. You don't need to send them. Just write letters, and put them in a box. That way, you can get all your emotions out as soon as they come and you won't be bottling anything up. You can even give them to Jupiter when he arrives home if you want. But, Morrigan, I can't see you like this. It's—"

There was a knock on the door.


Morrigan sat up straight. She knew exactly who it was.

The door opened more and Jupiter walked in.
Morrigan jumped off the bed and ran up to him. Jupiter picked her up as if she weighed nothing. She wrapped his legs around him and squeezed his neck. She started crying.

"Oh, Mog. I'm so sorry. Kedgeree told me I had to come up here right away.'s okay."

He stroked her hair and whispered into her ear. Soon Morrigan calmed down.


Morrigan didn't let go of him but hummed her acknowledgment.

"I am so proud of you. You are the strongest little girl ever. I'm sorry for not being here."

Martha watched the scene unfold. She was definitely going to have to talk to Jupiter. She was worried about Morrigan's mental health. She wouldn't tell Jupiter what Morrigan didn't want him to know, but Jupiter needed to know about her anxiety.

But not right now. She wouldn't let this moment be ruined by negativity. She quietly walked out of the room and returned to the lobby to clean.

983 words

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