Day 12-Evil!Morrigan-Little Crowling

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Miss Crow,
This is your final chance. You will join me as an apprentice or face all of your loved ones leaving you forever.
You have two hours from the point of reading.
Make the wise decision. 

When Morrigan had walked into her room that afternoon, a little under twenty minutes ago, she had seen the note resting on her pillow. She had thought it was a note from Jupiter, but it wasn't written on his signature paper.

Once she had read the note, she found the most disturbing thing to be that Squall had signed it just like her patron always did, with his initials. This made Morrigan believe it could have almost been some sort of practical joke, if it wasn't for the fact that Jupiter would never scare her out of her mind like this.

...or face all of your loved ones leaving you forever.

Morrigan had read the words over and over again. Leaving? Forever? Does that mean...? She didn't let herself finish that thought, shaking her head.

Cadence, and Hawthorne, and Jack, and...Jupiter. The one person she loved more than anyone else in the world. The one who brought her to Nevermoor. Gone. Taken away from her. She couldn't bear the thought and felt tears prick at the back of her eyes.

She looked down at the note again. Her vision had begun to blur from the tears pooling in her eyes. She blinked and one fell onto the note, bleeding out over the words.

Morrigan had never thought she'd be stuck like this. Stuck between choosing her life over others'. That's what it felt like. If she agreed to join Squall, she'd be giving her life away.

She thought of Cadence. The two girls had grown quite close since the Ghastly Market incident and Morrigan couldn't have asked for a better friend. A better sister.

She thought of Hawthorne. Her best friend. He was Morrigan's first ever friend and she couldn't have been anymore grateful for him. If he left her, she would never again hear his laugh, or his idiotic remarks.

She thought of Jack. Although they argued, he was very important to Morrigan. He kept her company when Jupiter was gone and helped her whenever she needed it. He had taken on a big brother role, and Morrigan loved him for that.

Finally, she thought of Jupiter. Her patron. More than that, her father figure. He couldn't leave her. He promised her that, but she wouldn't let his life be taken away.

Right there, in that moment, Morrigan made up her mind. She would leave Nevermoor with Squall to possibly never return.

She got off her bed, with the note in her hand and walked over to her door, where her book bag was hanging. She took out her school stuff, and placed it on the dresser. She opened a note book and a pen and began writing a letter for Jupiter.

Dear Jupiter,
Please. Please don't come looking for me. If I told you I decided to leave on my own terms I know you wouldn't believe me, but I can't tell you the truth. It's too dangerous. Whatever you do, don't come looking. I left so you wouldn't lose your life, but if you try to find me, that might be what happens.  For the safety of you, and Jack and everyone else I love, stay home. Please Jupiter.
If everything works out fine, I'll be home soon. Please just stay strong until then.
I love you, Jupiter. Stay safe.
Your Mog.

She hadn't written much but there were three wet splotches on the paper from where tears had escaped her eyes. She didn't want to think about the face of her patron when he read the note. It broke her heart.

She placed the book on her bed, open to her letter. She then grabbed her book bag and walked back over to her dresser. She saw a picture of her, Jupiter and Jack at the beach all smiling. That day was one of the happiest days of her life. Not for any particular reason, they had just spent the day down at the beach, but she treasured the memory.

She looked over to another picture on her dresser. One of her, Hawthorne and Cadence. She was on Hawthorne's back while Cadence stood next to them. They were all dressed in their uniforms as it had been the last day of term and Morrigan had invited them to the Deucalion for the night. She loved her best friends so much and she didn't know what she would do without them.

She opened her drawers and grabbed a few shirts, dresses and pairs of jeans and stuffed them in her book bag. She grabbed the two photos from her dresser and placed them on the bed, next to the letter. Morrigan slung her bag over her shoulder and looked around her room.

"Goodbye Room 85. Thank you for everything."
Morrigan exited her room wiping away her tears.

She walked the way to the lobby, keeping her head down. Once she made it there, she looked up to the black bird chandelier.
Well, she thought, if I'm not here, at least a representation of me will be.

She walked over to the door, and placed her hand on the handle. Just as she got ready to exit the Deucalion, she heard a voice call out to her.

"Morrigan?" asked Kedgeree, "Where are you going? Does Jupiter know?"

Morrigan felt a pang of guilt stab at her heart. She had forgotten that Jupiter was home and she was slipping out from right under his nose. She turned around to the concierge.

"Oh, I'm, um, just going to Hawthorne's place for the night. Jupiter knows, so don't worry." Morrigan plastered a fake smile to her face before nodding. "Well, I'll best be off. Hawthorne's impatient, you know. I love him though." Morrigan felt tears sting the back of her eyes and turned around before Kedgeree could see. She prayed that he bought her act.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh yeah, just tired, I guess. Well, I'll see you tomorrow."

Morrigan pushed open the door and exited the Deucalion before Kedgeree could say another word.

She looked up at the Hotel. Her home.

She would miss it, that's for sure. Tears began spilling down her cheeks before she could stop them.


Morrigan wiped her eyes and turned around to be met with a cold, dark stare.

"Hello, little crowling."

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