The Party (Malibu Rescue x School of Rock)

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A/N what a shocker that I don't have a plan for this. I might do multiple of this crossover because I've only seen one person do this before which I don't think is right. I own nothing. @AuracelliHernandez has the other crossover I'm reading.
Backstory: Tyler and Gina are Freddy and Tomika. They both left after they decided they didn't want to be in the band. They never knew how to tell them so they ended up moving away for a good excuse. They just happened to end up in the same place and now they protect each others secrets.
Malibu rescue was having a party. Brody decided he'd do all the planning with tower 1 and Roger. They weren't gonna tell anyone until everything was ready.

The four valley kids came off the bus and headed to tower 2. When they walked in they heard a familiar song. For Lizzie and Eric, the song was one of their favorites from a year or two ago. For Tyler and Gina though, it was their first hit song. The one people found on the flash drive Lawrence flew out the window.

"What are you listening to?" asked Gina trying to act casual.
"It's this band that started a couple years ago called School of Rock. This was their first song. How have you never heard of them? They are huge." Asked Dylan.
"I've never heard of them either" added Tyler taking a sip of water.
"You guys need to listen to their songs. I heard they're playing somewhere in Malibu soon."
Tyler choked on his water, "T-they are?"
"Yeah?" Dylan said confused as to why he reacted that way.
"Sorry went down the wrong way, Gina I wanna show you something outside." Tyler had a tight smile.
"Why of course," Gina responded nervously wondering if they found anything out.

They walked outside both panicking if they really were gonna perform anywhere near them.
"I wonder who plays our old parts now," Gina said trying to lighten the mood.
After a few minutes of pacing and panicking they went back into the tower.

"Who's in the band?" Gina asked
"No one knows. They keep their identities a secret, but I think the singer and drummer changed at some point." Dylan replied. "Anyways we have a meeting so we should get going."
They all made their way out and sat in seats waiting for everyone to get there. After a while, Brody walked to the front for an announcement.
"Attention all junior rescue, there is a party happening tonight in headquarters so make sure you come. There is a band coming, and no I won't tell you who."
With that, the meeting ended. Everyone was wondering who was playing and if they knew who they were.

People were in their party clothes talking and eating food. Tower two came on as they were announcing the band (can you guess who it is)
"May I present, SCHOOL OF ROCK!" some guy said as the crowd started cheering. Gina and Tyler looked at each other filled with dread.

"Hello everyone unfortunately our lead singer and drummer got sick so they can't perform is there anyone who can play drums, play bass, or sing in here?" Sumer asked, though no one knew that.
No one raised their hands. Two people were wondering how in the entire room no one else knew how to play.
"We can't ruin it for them we have to help them," Tyler whispered to Gina.
"Yes, but if we help them they'll know who we are." She whispered back.
"We gotta do it." Tyler didn't really want to but he knew it was the right thing.
Slowly they both reached up their hands causing everyone to look at them.
"Alright could you two please make you way to the stage." Summer asked them not being able to see their faces.
People parted for them and everyone that was already on stage nearly dropped whatever they were holding.
"Well, I guess we dont have to teach them the song" Summer whispered, but into the mic so everyone heard it. They got confused.
Gina and Tyler made their way upstage and Lawrence told them which song they're playing. After getting in place with their mics and instruments, in sync Gina and Tyler said "get the cameras"

Everyone was shocked. They never knew those two could play and sing so well. They played perfectly almost like they knew the song by heart. Just as the two wee about to book it Mr. Finn yelled, "TOMIKA FREDDY TURN AROUND"
They were about to run when Zack and Lawrence dragged them back. Everyone in the audience watched wondering what was gonna go down.
"I think you guys have the wrong people our names are Tyler and Gina" Freddy laughed nervously.
"Oh really?" Summer said pacing in front of them. "So you wouldn't mind if we said zack took all your hair gel and Mr.Finn broke your skateboards?" She asked looking at both of them.
"Oh it's going down." They both said, proving they were who they thought they were.

Malibu rescue was completely lost as to what was going on.

Dylan POV
Tyler and Gina were on stage acting weird. School of rock seems to know who they are.
"So why'd you guys leave the band without telling anyone?" On of them asks.
Gasps rang through the crowd. Tyler and Gina were in school of rock? That's awesome.
"We had to move it just happened that we ended up in the same place." I heard Tyler say.
"Larry let go of me before I blow a gun bubble on you." Gina threatens and then the person holding her quickly let's go.
Tyler turns to Malibu rescue. "so hi I'm Freddy this is Tomika and we used to be a part of school of rock."
Everyone freaks out.
This took way longer to write than usual because I had a lot of ways they could be revealed but not a lot of ways explain it to everyone.

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