My creation (Harry Potter x Danny Phantom)

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A/N that's right it's a different series. Because I read these and thought this might be fun, though this is one shot so if I leave out important details by mistake please tell me and I'll fix them. I own nothing:)
Backstory: Danny is the ghost king and Dani is his daughter. One day Clockwork told Danny he would be a professor of ghosts and other non magical creatures. Dani gets to go to Hogwarts while he teaches. He didn't tell the other professors who he really was besides Dumbledore.

It was the first day of school. The first years, including Dani, were about to walk into the Grand Hall. The ghosts had seen Danny and Dani and were talking to each other about why they were here since they didn't know if they could go up to them if people didn't know who they were.

The doors opened revealing the first years walking in looking at their surroundings. Dani saw her dad and smiled when she saw him give her a thumbs up.

One by one the first years got sorted and then Dani went up. Before the hat was placed on her head it spoke.

"Please lower your mental barriers."
This shocked or confused almost everyone in the hall since no 11 year old should have barriers strong enough for the sorting. Ignoring the stares she was getting, she looked over to her dad for confirmation to lower them. He nodded.

Hesitantly she sat down and lowered the barriers. It took a very long time but after 5 minutes of silence the hat called out "Slytherin!" And the table started cheering.

Part way through the feast the main entry doors to the halls opened to a hovering man with blue skin, red eyes, black hair, and a cape.

The professors got out their wands immediately since there were hardly ever intruders at Hogwarts. The other halfas, however, recognized this man immediately.

Danny stood up and walked around the table towards him.
"What do you want fruit-loop?" He asked annoyed.
"Ahhhh little badger, clearly not your mother, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you, no. What I want is something I created years ago and you took."
Vlad looked around the room and saw Dani glaring at him.
"There it is. Glad you kept it in perfect condition for me."

The entire hall was confused. What was this thing and why did professor Fenton know them? And what was this about a creation?

Dani stood where she was.

"Just because you created me doesnt mean you own me. My father doesn't use me to murder or turn their back on me as soon as they find a better solution." She said with tears in her eyes.

"You will come back with me." Vlad said with venom in his voice. And with that he blasted Danny across the room.

Professors started firing spells but they just went right through him. All the ghosts in the roof were terrified as they knew what this ghost could do.

"DAD!" Dani called out and without thinking transformed to fly over to him.

The professors stopped and stared at the two. Danny had gotten up and his eyes had turned green.

"I'm good nothing that hasn't happened before now why don't you say we finish him together?" Danny said looking over to his daughter. When he looked back over Vlad just smiled.

"Ooooh scary eyes" He said.

Danny's hair turned white and the famous hazmat suit covered his body. The two phantoms got into position.

"Cover your ears everyone." Dani said smirking. People followed the order as they didn't know what would happen.

The loudest noise anyone has ever heard went through the hall. A ghostly wail.

I literally can't think of an ending for this so if anyone wants to rewrite it you're welcome to if you tag me. This was worse than usual because I just wanted to get something out there. Thank you

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