Undercover (100 Things to Do Before High School x Knight Squad)

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A/N Hello! This is also requested by @Voice ofDerpWaves . I thought I would set it in 100 Things because I feel like that wouldn't be where people normally would go. I hope you enjoy it! I'm a little iffy on the ending because I planned it a few days ago so we'll see how this goes. I own nothing :) ONWARD
Backstory: Arc already went to knight school. He and the others from Phoenix Squad are undercover at Putatuck. There was a rogue from Ryker's army that was tracked to the area. The army doesn't know what the knights look like so they won't recognize them while undercover. Astoria is a myth for most people in this. The beginning will be like a more in-depth backstory.

The four of them have been undercover for about two years now. They still hadn't figured out who the member of the army was, but they had some suspects. They all had aliases and fake names to go with their life. Arc decided to go by Crisbo. Since it has been so long he made some friends at school. Their names are CJ and Fenwick. He hasn't told them who he is but they know enough to think they know everything if that makes sense. Every day the knights hide weapons on their person just in case anything happens. All four live together but they leave at different times so people don't get suspicious, with Arc leaving last to fit with his character of being late.

Today, Crisbo arrived to see his friends standing near his locker.
"Hey guys," He said with a smile.
"Hey, we came up with a new thing for today," CJ responded to him.
"No way that's awesome. What is it?" He asked while putting his things away.
"Reveal your darkest secret that the others don't know," Fenwick said with a sigh.

Crisbo felt his smile drop from his face, but luckily he was hidden by the door to his locker so he quickly put it back on. Turning to his friends he put on his thinking face.

"Oooh I know, my real name," He went down to a whisper, "Is Christian," And then made a mind-blown expression.

Both of his friends looked at him, "Yeah, we knew that,"
"Then I got nothing," He said with a sigh.
"I'm sure you'll think of something let's get to class," CJ said

Crisbo was silently freaking out through the day. He couldn't think of any secret to tell his friends besides that he wasn't who they thought he was. He tried thinking of fake ones but that wasn't working either. He tried keeping a calm face but sometimes the other two would catch him making a face and send him a look. He hadn't been able to talk to the other knights because no one knew they knew each other and that helped their cover.

They had a pop quiz in class, just like every class. They went through three other classes before lunch.

Crisbo saw his knight friends and walked past without looking towards his school friends with his goofy smile on his face.
"I still haven't thought of anything. You guys know everything about me that's important." He lied through his teeth.
"There must be something. There's still time to think," CJ said with a smile.
"Hehe yeah," He responded.

His anxiety was really spiking with this thing. Eventually, the bell rang to continue their day. Nothing eventful happened for most of the day of you don't count Crisbo almost lighting the science room on fire.

The last class of the day was English, which all the knights had together, so that was nice for them. They sat away from each other so no one could tell they knew each other. The teacher walked in and everyone stopped talking.

"Good afternoon class. Today we will be learning about a myth. The land of Astoria." The teacher, Ms.Smith, said.

The knights slightly smirked but no one caught it.

"It is rumored to be on top of mountains, though no one knows where," she continued, "There are a king and princess that sit in their castle keeping peace with everyone."

Ciara smiled slightly thinking about her father.

"Can anyone tell me other things they know about Astoria?" She asked sweetly.

The four people who lived in Astoria raised their hands along with a lot of people from the class. She called on a girl in the front with blonde hair.

"Isn't there a school for knights there?"
"Very good. There is a school for knights where they train to protect their land."

She then called on a boy with short, spiky brown hair.
"There's a myth of 4 knights who were the best to ever live,"
"Yes, yes, amazing. There are four knights who finished knight school and went on to be some of the best in battle. They were all from the Phoenix Squad in knight school. They are named Arc, Ciara, Prudence, and Warwick."

CJ was called on next, "Even though the school was only for people from Astoria, someone from the Myth of 4 was from Seagate,"

Crisbo smirked which was noticed by his two friends, but he just shook off their looks.

The teacher started with a smile once more, "There was also a man named Ryker who ruled an army and attempts to take back Astoria into his power,"

The four undercover students' faces instantly dropped and they had blank expressions. The teacher was still talking but all the students noticed and looked between them. No one had ever seen Crisbo without some expression on his face.

"I believe that Ryker deserves to rule Astoria even though he was defeated once."

Prudy stood up, her face still emotionless, "Why would you support Ryker after all he did to those people?"
"Because he had good reason to,"

Warwick stood next, "Aren't we supposed to believe he's bad because of what he did?"
"I believe he was in the right," The teacher said looking straight at him.

The two tried to defend their friends who had been hurt the most by him without giving too much away. Crisbo's friends looked at him with concern as to why he sat without moving, zero emotions just staring at the teacher.

Ciara broke first, "How could you believe he was in the right when he turned my own SISTER against me! She tried to kill me!" She screamed.

Everyone looked at her in shock except the knights. Ms.Smith looked at her slightly suspicious, "What do you mean your sister?" But Ciara didn't talk again.

Arc broke soon though, startling Fenwick and CJ with how fast he moved, "He destroyed my home! My entire town! He is a no-good monster and I became a knight to get revenge on him for hurting everyone!"

No one knew what to do. It was pin-drop quiet so everyone could hear his next words, "I think we finally found the army member," And with that, the four pulled weapons out of nowhere. "I think I finally thought of a secret to tell you guys, I am Arc, a knight of Astoria,"

The other three introduced themselves and the army member looked between the four.

All at once, they called out, "FOR ASTORIA" and charged at her.

After a lot of spells and clanging, they got her pinned against a wall.

"Warwick poof her out of here," Prudy said holding her with her giant strength.

He cast a spell and she was gone. The four turned to see the whole class watching slack-jawed.
Sir Garreth walked through the doors.

"Good job knights, back home for you," They looked at each other.
"I kind of like it here, can we stay a bit longer?" Arc asked.

After some convincing, they were able to stay and no one treated them any differently.
Heyyyy, I'm not in love with the ending, but it's there. I hope you like this. Definitely not my best work but eh. Thank you for reading and see you next time.

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