Breath Spray Pt. 3(Julie and the Phantoms x Knight Squad)

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A/N This was a suggestion from @Giana0913Rose. I couldn't get everything you wanted but I tried my best to do something you would like. This took me a while to write because I never planned on making multiple parts to this so it's a little hard coming up with things. I also like to do requests in order so that's another reason. I hope you enjoy this, I'm using my laptop so maybe this will be better than it would be if it were on my phone. I own nothing :) ONWARD!
Backstory: It's a continuation of my other one-shots so those backstories. But there some more added because this isn't gonna start right at the end of the last. People at school heard about what happened at the competition, but people aren't fully believing it. Warwick brought the boys back to life because he's a wizard and because I can, but they can still poof. ALSO, Alex is bi.
Carrie sat in music class listening to the teacher talk about how to stand properly when you sing. (I think that's a thing). In the middle of her sentence, an angry Sage burst through the doors. People who weren't at the competition were very confused while people who were there knew who she was but not why she was there. She started walking towards Carrie.

"Buttercup did you take the breath spray before you left Astoria?" She asked trying to sound calm.

The people in the room didn't know why that would matter so much that she needed to come in the middle of school, or who Buttercup was.

"I'm not changing back Sage," She responded.
"Oh yes you are I need my Buttercup." Sage pulled a spray from out of her pocket.

Buttercup stood up and ran to the other side of the room.

"NOW!" Sage yelled.

Alex poofed behind Buttercup to grab her arms. She spun out of the way before he could grab her. Now it was two against one. Both Arc and Sage were on either side of her, so she went between the two and out into the hall.  A couple of people had left their class because they heard a commotion. They were shocked to find it was Carrie against two people.

"Ciara you're up," The two said.

A dark-skinned girl with curly hair appeared and started fighting. By now almost everyone was out of the classrooms. Julie and the guys were watching with dumbfounded looks on their faces. Alec was fighting her and they didn't know what she did wrong.

Sage pulled out another spray to distract Buttercup. And started spraying it, though it didn't hit Buttercup. It hit Arc and Ciara. She stared at them because it was a truth spray.

"Well say something then it will wear off." She told them.

Without either of their control Arc said, "I still like Ciara," And Ciara said, "I still like Arc."

They looked at each other in shock before being pulled back into the fight. They finally got Carrie to stay still long enough to spray her. Cautiously, they let go of her and she just looked around.

"How you feeling Butty-But?" Sage asked looking at her.
"Sage," she started, "I did bad things." She finished with wide eyes.
"Hey, it's okay. You just need to apologize," Her friend told her with a soft look in her eyes.

"ITS THE END OF THE WORLD SAGE IS BEING NICE" Arc yelled over the people.
"Way to ruin the moment Seagater," Ciara responded with a sigh.

Buttercup turned to th students who had watched.
"I want to apologize to everyone that I've hurt. I swear that's not me. Where I'm from there's spray that makes people act the opposite of how they normally do and I have been under that influence for years now. Thanks to these people I'm finally back to my old self though." She said solemnly.

Nick stepped forward, "Where are you from then? And how can a drug be in your system for that long?"
Arc responed, "All of us, more or less, are from a realm called Astoria. And it's not a drug. It's magic. Buttercup, or Carrie as you all knwo her, was actually the nicest person at our old school."
"Yeah Sage was the mean one," Ciara added.

"Magic doesn't exist." A student called out.

Ciara pressed ehr fairy ring to change her appearance, "Doesn't it? Also forgot to mention I'm the princess of Astoria but that's not important."

Buttercup decided to get people back on track, "We are all official knights, meaning we trained for years, most of us, to get here."

"And I was there for 2 years and cheated my way in so eh." Arc said.

Smoke filled the room they were in and when it disappeared, so had the four knights.
I hope you liked it! I didn't plan on adding to this so it's really bad. I don't love it but it's the best I could do. I literally have no idea how I could possibly continue this. I hope it wasn't awful for you. My next request requires me to do a little research (Watch a show) so I can get to know the characters so if I take a while to post that would probably be why. Thank you for reading!

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