Old Bully (Glee x Flash)

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A/N hello! It's been too long really. I have had this in my notebook for like a week and I never got around to writing it. This was a suggested by PeytonMB because they liked the past one. I don't know how well this will go but I'm writing on a phone and I don't know anything so let's hope. Writing on a phone also means it will probably be short since it takes longer to write.
Backstory: Barry Allen changed his name in high school because the bullying got so bad. He stays with his uncle and he hasn't told anyone about his past. People know the name Henry Allen because people think he was a murderer.

The New Directions and The Warblers were both in The Lima Bean Cafe. The only thing was neither of them knew the other was there so they didn't cause problems.

Sebastian as thinking about his old friends as he drank his coffee. The bell rang above the door, though no one payed attention since people came in there all the time.

The person that came in had large biceps and a permanent scowl on his face. You could tell he wasn't a nice person. After the teen got his coffee he sat at the table next to the Warblers.

Still no one payed attention to the man. He started looking around the small shop and his eyes stopped on his old victim.

"Allen?" He asked with a sick smirk on his face. He said it loud so everyone else there finally payed attention to him.

The man in question looked slightly panicked hearing his old name.

"Allen? I think you have the wrong dude. No one here has that name" someone else from the glee club said.

Sebastian stood without the normal aura around him the high schoolers were used to. He almost looked scared.

"Tony." He said.

The new directions walked over to the group.

"Smythe? Who's your friend?" Santana asked.
"Not a friend Sha-queer-a." He said with a blank face.
"Is Allen standing up for himself? You don't need your little girlfriend to do it for you anymore?" Tony teased.
"I've come a long way from middle chill Woodward." He responded.
"Oh yeah? You gonna join your dad in iron heights?" The bulky teen spoke.
"He didn't do it." Barry responded trying to sound calm.

Everyone around them was thoroughly confused. Santana finally had enough.

"What did your dad not do Seb?" She asked
"Murder my mom," He said while his eyes turned glassy, "my father is Henry Allen."

Some eyes widened while some had their mouths agape.

"So you're Barry Allen?" Blaine said, his voice quiet.
"I am, yeah," Barry said with an empty laugh, "the son of a man falsely accused for the actions of the man in the lightning."

So yeah, this took like an hour even though it's short. I didn't feel like getting my laptop out for this so I'm sorry. Hopefully it was good enough! I will try to not take this long a break but I might have to do research for a story or something. I will say what is happening if it's like more than a week though. Anyways, thanks for the request! I hope it was good.

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