A Day at School (Julie and The Phantoms x Knight Squad)

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A/N You know I do have some ideas that aren't crossovers but these are more fun to write. I will add it in eventually though. I have already done this crossover but it's my story so I'm allowed to do it again. I'm writing on a laptop so there will probably be more typos since this doesn't catch them all. On with the story! I own nothing.
Backstory: Again, Arc and Buttercup are Alex and Carrie. I don't really have a reason as to why they left. The boys can become visible to any lifer whenever they want since they lifted Caleb's spell. Although when one becomes visible they all become visible. Pretend they didn't die 35 years ago. They didn't become knights and the others are still in knight school. Alex and Carrie haven't seen each other before so they have no they are near each other. No one knows about their pasts. And just imagine Carrie never got a good enough look at Alex on stage to know who he is.

The boys decided that since no one could see or feel them they would spend the day with Julie at school. They tried their best to not distract her through the day which meant making sure someone was always watching Reggie. Nothing interesting happened since Julie couldn't talk to them without looking crazy and then talking in class would have been disturbing.

Lunch was starting and since Julie was allowed to be on her phone they were all talking to each other and Flynn. Everyone was with their respective friends talking as normal. A man with tattoos over his body and face. No one really noticed his appearance until he spoke.

Alex's POV
I was talking with Julie when I hear someone shout
"Where are the people who took away my throne?"
I look over and see Ryker glaring at all the students. Without thinking I take out a dagger that can turn into a sword (kind of like Percy Jackson) and stand up, although people can't see me.
"Dude what are you doing? This isn't a time to make jokes." Luke said trying to pull me back.

Carrie POV
My girls and I were talking about our new dance routine and rehearsals when we heard a voice yell
"Where are the people who took away my throne?"
When I turn my head I see Ryker standing there glaring at my class. I take out a couple of weapons that I've hidden under my clothes and move to stand. Tori grabs my arm with a look that says "don't move" but I shrug her off.

3rd Person
Alex turns himself visible, confusing people around the table but that's not the most pressing issue right now. Almost perfectly in sync Arc and Buttercup walk into the clear path between the rows of lunch tables. Arc looks at her outfit, a tight dress with her hair done.
"Not much of a fighting outfit Buttercup." He says She just looks at him. "Right take down the guy that's trying to take over the kingdom first, reunions later."

Julie wonders how he could've ever been friends with someone as mean as Carrie, or why he called her Buttercup. They are all more concerned as to why he's heading towards the dangerous man.

They stop in front of Ryker, his goons had shown up behind him waiting for their moment to attack. In the army, they saw some people they knew. For example some students from knight school, and knights from Astoria. All with the familiar marking on their hand meaning they're being mind-controlled. Running in through the doors came Sir Garreth, and the old Phoenix and Kracken squads.

"Arc, Buttercup, what is the meaning of all this?" Sir Garreth asks.

Without any time for him to respond Ryker swings at Arc, Buttercup jumps in front and caught the blade with a dagger. The people watching never knew she could do that, and with that, the fight began. To the students, it was a lot of metal clanging and yells, but to the knights, it was a battle for the throne. Spells were throne but everything stopped when Ryker grabbed a student and held a blade against their neck. The student was Julie.

"Take one step and she's gone." The knights didn't know what to do. They never let an innocent person die. That was until Arc came up with an idea, a stupid idea, but it was all they had.

"Then I won't take a step," He said and smirked. He started his kick and then poofed right in front of Julie and Ryker kicking him back and getting her back to the guys.

"Warwick!" Buttercup yelled signaling him to restrain Ryker. Once he had they called for the wizard to clean up.

The only problem was the entire student body just saw a fight with magic and swords. Sir Garreth didn't care though. "Arc, Buttercup, where have you been? And Arc how did you do that." They both stayed silent so Reggie being Reggie decided to answer.

"Well, eyepatch you see this guy who you call Arc for some reason is a ghost, like the ones that go boo. So am I and that guy over there. We ate some bad hotdogs" He said with a smile pointing at Alex and Luke.

"HA" Laughed Sage "Out of all the ways I imagined I never thought it would be because of bad food"

Well, not at good as I hoped but when is anything ever? I shockingly didn't have a plan. I just wanted them to start fighting him instead of talking to each other like they did in the first one. Please leave requests because I don't know what people like.

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