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"Miles! Get down, Chiquito!" Yelled my mom, Rio, from the living room. "I need your help with this public campaign speech."

"Coming." I replied, moving myself off my irresistably comfortable bed and mooching my way down  the stairs.

It was weird to see mom involved in Politics. I guess dad's death had had an influence on how mom would lead her life.

I was now face to face with mom and she was sat on the couch, patting it. Obviously, she was indicating that I sit next to her.

Please don't be 'The Talk'. I silently begged in my head, while sitting and clenching my fists.

Mom looked like she wanted to laugh at me. I pretended I hadn't seen it and allowed mom to have her moment.

"Miles, I just wanted to say that now we are in our new home, I need you to listen to me." Began mom, slowly.

Man, it was so intense. It was eating me. In fact, killing me! I really wanted to know what she wanted to say to me.

"Yeah?" I replied very intrigued.

"There are loads of opportunities in Harlem. You just don't see them yet." Added mom. "Also your body and changing, so there will be hormones flooding through your veins. No girlfriends. Or babies."

"Babies! Mom, I'm seventeen!" I retorted, now feeling very uncomfortable and embarrassed.

"I know, my little Taquito. I know." She gently replied, kissing my forehead.

I liked it when she called me that. It made me feel very close to her and warm. Taquitos are my favourite snack, which is probably why she named me that.

Maybe mom was right. I just had to give Harlem a chance. The more I looked into this place, the less and less it sounded worse.

In fact it was giving me so much cultural inspiration for my music. Dad and Uncle Aaron  always used to let me mix music with them. They'd give me their old school beats and I'd put a modern spin on them.

Now that dad was gone, the meaning and truth behind my music was gonna all be different. I felt like it was gonna change me forever.

His death had given Spider-Man a whole new purpose. It was to not be selfish and protect anything at all costs, regardless of what will happen in the end.

I was Spider-Man. Harlem's new protector. Jefferson Davis' son.

Miles Morales: CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now