26: Underground Undercover

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Phin kept suspiciously walking ahead of me. I had a gut feeling that it was a trap. I couldn't jump to conclusions just yet because she was my best friend and I trusted her.

I didn't tell her that I was Spider-Man either. The new one she was talking about.

"You'll need to prove tourself to the Underground." Began Phin, walking ahead of me."I'll show you how when we get to Fisk Tower."

Prove myself? I silently asked. This was just a way to see what you were up to, Phin! Not an actual initiation into an evil coporation ceremony!

If I wasn't careful, she could unveil my secret and show the whole Underground. I couldn't let that happen.

"You're set up in the kingpin's office space?" I asked, following her up the stairs and keeping my distance.

"After he went to prison, the feds seized his property." Replied Phin. "They haven't gotten around to selling it so we moved in."

I watched her effortlessly jump over a high wall. Now I had to make it look very difficult, so she wouldn't find out.

"How'd you get involved in all this?" I implored further, climbing the wall as badly as I could."The Underground, The Tinkerer?"

"Tinkerer's a nod to my role." Added Phin, stepping down from the slightly raised part of the roof." I built everything. The masks, the weapons...

"Programmable matter." I tuned in.

"Right." She agreed. "The Underground tried to rob my grandad's shop and saw what I was working on. We made a deal."

"I know you're after Krieger." I also added." But what do they get out of it? Beisdes guns."

"Notoriety." Blankly said Phin, climbing another wall. "They want to be well-known. They can get away with anything."

"And you're good with that?" I asked.

"I can't take on Roxxon alone. Come on." Pleaded Phin. "You need to jump from the crane to the balcony. Show them you're fearless."

"They're watching?" I asked again, trying not to sound worried.

"Through the windows." Pointed out Phin, elegantly walking up the crane.

How was I gonna pull this jump off without using my powers?

"You have to do this." Demanded Phin. "Come on, you'll be fine."

Gotta do this without giving away I'm Spider-Man. I panicked.

I walked across the crane as carefully and falsely as I could. So far and so good. Phin hadn't suspected a thing.

C'mon, Miles. Make it look good.

I got to the end realising that now I had to jump. If I landed this perfectly, she'll find out that I'm Spider-Man. If I didn't, I couldn't join Roxxon to see what they were doing.

Oh, man.

I jumped, shaking my arms and legs around. I clutched on to the edge of the building because I was gonna fall to my death. I had to fake it. I didn't want her or Roxxon to know.

"Careful!" Phin exclaimed, grabbing me by both my upper arms and pulling me up to safety.

We exchanged a victorious handshake and kept moving.

"So am I officially in the club now?" I confidentally asked.

"Sure." Replied Phin." But watch your back. These guys take a while  to warm up to new people. Here it is. Where the plan comes together."

"So your plan, how does NuForm fit in?" I asked. "Krieger's saying you stole a shipment.

"I stole one canister. I'm making some adjustments." Said Phin. "Don't worry about it. Take today to settle in."

"Right." I said.

"Good. You're back." Said one of the Underground members.

I knew that she was part of the team it was just a matter of keeping an eye on her and Roxxon.

After I had spent some time in the Roxxon HQ as an official memeber, Phin had promised to return me back.

The two of us had walked along the crane we passed earlier and made our journey back to where we first started.

"Thanks for helping out, Miles, you're a good friend, you know that?" Said Phin, looking deep into my eyes with her Tinkerer outfit on.

"Now who's making it all mushy, Mason." I teased, lightly punching her in the arm, causing her to smile.

"Very funny, Molases." Teased back Phin, still looking at me.

"Phin, I gotta tell you something. I never got to tell you this back at the restaurant, but I'm Spider-Man." I announced, while feeling my heart pound against my ribcage with nervousness.

Her face had dropped with shock. Before she could react any further, Phin fell to the ground and began to clutch onto the roof of the building. Something was pulling her back. That something being Rhino.

"Miles, go!" Commanded Phin, screaming her head off and still holding onto the roof.

"No! I can't leave you!" I shouted back.

"Hello, little kiddies!" Evilly said Rhino. "Krieger will not be pleased with Tinkerer."

I reached out for Phin's hand, with my Spider-Man mask on to protect my identity. Unfortunately, I had failed and found a flying fist of Rhino's slam into my face.

Everything had went pitch black. I had been wiped out by one single powerful punch.

WARNING!: Some quotes, characters(Hailey Cooper, Phin Mason, Rick Mason, Simon Krieger, Uncle Aaron etc...) and locations (such as Teo's Bodega, The Underground etc..) have been credited by Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales by Insomniac Games. The credit goes to them.

The rest I had improvised.

Tysm for reading and I hope y'all enjoyed. Don't forget to vote and comment and God Bless y'all!□

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