The Move

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*Changbins POV
"Grab the last box, sweetie." My mom says to me with a gentle voice. But I can see how stressful this move is.

I nod and head back inside the now empty house. My footsteps echoing throughout the place.
I look around and recall all the different memories I had growing up.

"Changbin! Hurry up!" I hear my dad shout from outside.

I sigh and pick up the last box. On top, with messy handwriting, was written 'Changbins Volleyball Stuff'.

I hurry out the house, box in arms, and close the door behind. I enter the backseat of the car and place the box next to me. I sigh and place my elbow on the box.

Goodbye home. Goodbye Korea.
"Now landing at Sydney Australia." The lady spoke through the intercom.

I look over at my parents and they had a look of questioning.

"They said we're now landing in Australia." I spoke for them.

They smile at me and nod getting ready.

The plane soon lands and we all file out.

We headed to baggage claim and pick up our suitcases and other things.

"Changbin, call a taxi." My dad says as we walk towards the front of the airport.

I nod and look around for any taxi cabs.

I wave one over and they drive in front of us. The gentleman helped loading our stuff in the small back trunk.

"Sorry for the stuff." My dad speaks in English.

"No worries man. Happy to help." The guy says, Australian accent heavy.

We get in the cab. My dad in the front and my mom and I in the back.

"Where to?" The guy asks getting his gps ready.

My dad rummages in his pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, handing it to the man.

He inputs the address and we start to head to our new place called home.

I look out the window and see the town we'll be living for now on.

"That's the school you'll be going. I hear they have an excellent volleyball team." My mom whispers in my ear and points to the on passing high school.

"You can join the team and it'll feel like you never left home." She says trying to comfort me.

I smile sadly. Yeah, I never left home if I play.

We reach our new house and unload our things. Paying the taxi cab and watch it leave the driveway.

Our house was in a typical neighborhood. Houses close to one another, all two story big houses, lawns freshly cut and nice cars parked in the driveways. Kids playing in the front yard or on the street.

"Come on. I'll give you a tour." My dad says and unlocks the front door.

My dad had been to our house months before my mom and I. Moving all our furniture and belongings in.

Reason as to why we moved here? My dad got promoted by the company he works for. Higher pay, more vacation days. But he was going to be relocated here in Australia.

"Wow it's huge!" My mom says amazed by the house. It was almost mansion like.

Chandelier hanging from the ceiling of the entry way. Huge stairs that lead up to the second story.

Living and dining room all decorated with furniture and photos. Kitchen counters with marbled designed. An island bar in the middle of the big kitchen.

"And this is your room Changbin." My dad says as he opens the last door at the end of the hallway.

We enter and see my bed, desk and drawers inside. Boxes stacked in a corner. Bookshelf filled with different mangas, novels and trophies.

"Thanks dad. I appreciate you doing this." I say with sincerity.

He looks at me and hugs me by the shoulders.

"I know it's a hard adjustment. But don't worry. You'll get through it. I know you will."

My mom pats my head and nods, agreeing with my dad.

I nod as well.

"Why don't you unpack while we get dinner ready." My mom suggests.

I nod and enter my room, walking towards the boxes.

"I'll bring the rest of your things." My dad says and closes the door behind him.

I sigh and pick a box up and placing it on the floor. I rip the tape off and unfold the lids.

My clothes neatly folded. I pick up the stack of shirts and start to put them in my drawers. Doing the same with my jeans and sweatpants.

I hang my hoodies and old volleyball uniform. I sigh as I look at the uniform.

The number 4 staring back at me.

"Here's the rest of your things." My dad breaks my thoughts and I thank him.

I shut the closet and finish unpacking.

Summer was almost over. Just 3 days before I start at my new school.

I felt nervous. I barely spoke English and had no friends to help me out.

But I do know that the first thing I will do is sign up for the volleyball team.
It was 6pm and I finished unpacking everything. I sigh and lay on my bed feeling my muscles relax.

"Changbin! Dinner!" My moms voice echoed throughout the house.

"Coming." I mumble and head downstairs.

We all sat down and ate our dinner. My parents talking excitedly about living here. Trying to cheer me up by saying I'll have no problem fitting in.

That I'll learn English really fast. And I can continue playing volleyball.

"Tomorrow we're going to your school to register you." My mom says.

I nod and pick at my food.

"Why don't you head to bed? You must be tired from the long flight." My dad says softly.

I nod and excuse myself and head upstairs.

But I couldn't sleep. I stayed up the whole night. I watched movies and videos on my laptop.

I shouldn't be a downer with my parents. They're excited and so should I.

I nod to myself feeling determined.

This move isn't going to bring me down.

And who knows. Maybe I will fit in.

The Boy From Korea (ChanChang)Where stories live. Discover now