Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s POV
When I finally finished eating, I put my dishes in the sink and left while most of the others gave me confused looks, those people being everybody except Kiibo and Maki. When I got to the lab, I checked where they last were. 'Thank god they're still here.' I thought.

I put the 5 big regular bombs in my bag and the small Electro-bombs in my pocket while I carried the hammers in my hands. I went to my room as quickly as possible. When I got to my dorm room, I had to put the hammers down to unlock the door. When I was done hiding it, i left the dorm area.

The place that I hid everything is on the shelf in my closet. Right when I left the dorm areas, Kokichi popped up. "Why did you leave in such a hurry?" He asked. I jumped. "God! Don't scare my like that!" I said. "You mean 'Atua!' Anyways, answer the question." Kokichi said, snickering at the first part.

"I was just putting something in my room that I found during the last investigation. It'd be dangerous if someone else got their hands on it." I said. "Well what are you waiting for? Show me already!" Kokichi commaned. I sighed. "Fine. Come on." I said as I turned around and walked back into the dorm area.

We went in my room and I showed him what's inside the closet and I heard him say under his breath "Interesting." Then he spoke loud. "Well imma head out now. Bye!" Then he just left my room.

I went back out and decided to hang out with Himiko. 'She's probably in her lab.' I thought to myself. I walked to her lab and looked inside. There was Himiko, mixing some strange colored liquid.

"Hey Himiko. What are you doing?" I asked and walked into the room. She didn't even seem fazed by me as she said "I'm making a potion." "What kind of potion is it?" I asked. "It's a protection potion." Himiko said, pouring a dark blue liquid into a vile with a bit of green liquid.

"Who is it for?" I asked her. "It's for you." Himiko said and looked at me. Then she looked back down at her potion and said "I don't want to lose someone important to me like I lost Tenko and Angie." I saw a few tears fall from her face. I reached my hand out and lifted her face, whipped her tears, and hugged her. "Don't worry. You won't lose me." I said, only loud enough for her to hear.

When we parted, Himiko mixed for a few mor minutes, then she looked at me. "It's done, (Y/N) just trunk it and it'll protect you." Himiko said, her tears were now dry. I took the glass vile from her hand and drank it. It tasted bitter but also like water. 'Bitter water. Can water even taste bitter?' I thought.

"Good. So what should we do now?" Himiko asked. For some reason, I started to feel bad about keeping the fat that Kokichi is my twin from her. 'She's my best friend. She deserves to know. I'll tell her but make her promise to keep it a secret.' I thought.

"Let's go to my room. I need to tell you something. But you have to promise to keep it a secret." I said in a serious tone. "Ok. I promise." Himiko smiled at me. I could tell she wasn't lying. "Let's go."

We walked to my room and it was silent the whole way there. It made it kinda awkward. When we got inside my room, Himiko asked "so what did you want to tell me?"

"Well, first, what's your opinion on Kokichi?" I asked. Himiko looked confused but answered anyway. "He's annoying and I don't trust him that much." She said. "Ok. What do you think of me?" I asked. "You're my best friend and I trust you the most." She answered.

"What I wanted to say is that Kokichi is my twin brother!" I finally told her. She looked confused. "How? Your names are different and you look different, like with hair and eyes." She said. "I'm actually (Y/N) Ouma. My hair isn't actually (H/C), it's purple. And I'm wearing contacts right now." I explained.

When Himiko didn't say anything, I said "I can show you." Himiko just nodded. I went to the bathroom and took out my contacts. I looked in the mirror to see my regular purple eyes.

I walked out of the bathroom and said "See? I'm not wearing my contacts anymore." Himiko looked at me and all she said was "Wow. Your eyes are really pretty." My eyes were more vibrant than Kokichi's eyes. "Thanks." I smiled.

      "Why did you hide that you and Kokichi were twins place?" Himiko asked. "It was Kokichi's idea. After he heard it was a killing game, he didn't want anyone to use us against each other. I, obviously, agreed. If everyone knew, one of us probably would've been the first one to die." I explained.

      "I guess that makes sense. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me." Himiko smiled at me. I nodded. "Of course." "I'm hungry. Let's go eat." Himiko said. "Yea, ok." I agreed.

      After we ate, we parted ways. 'Who should I hang out with now? Maybe Kaito? Shuichi? Yea Shuichi. It's been a while since I hung out with him.' I thought. 'Maybe he's in his new lab. I check there.'

      I went to his lab but he wasn't there. I walked around for a little bit before I finally ran into him. "Shuichi! There you are! I was looking for you!" I exclaimed.

      "Do you need me?" He asked. "I just want to hang out with you." I smiled at him. While we were hanging out, I said "Hey Shuichi?" "Yea?" "Do you think there will be another death?" I asked.

      "...I don't know. I hope not." He answered. "Another question! Do you have an idea of who the mastermind is?" I asked. "I have an idea but I don't have enough evidence to be sure." Shuichi replied.

      "Cant you tell me who?" I said. "No. I'm sorry but I can't point fingers at that person just yet." He said. "Ok, it's fine. Another question!" I said. "Again?" He chuckled. "Yup! What do you think about Kokichi?" I smirked remembering his reaction before trial 3.

      Shuichi turned a bit red. "W-Well, I actually really like him but I don't know if I should.  I was going to tell Kaito but I don't know how he'll react." Shuichi dropped his head down as he said the last part.

      "Don't worry! Even though he doesn't like Kokichi, he'll still support you. He's your best friend!" I encouraged Shuichi. Shuichi lifted his head back up. "Thanks, (Y/N)!" He smiled.

      We talked for a little while more before it was dinner. We ate and then it was night night. Me and Rantaro walked back got the formal when Rantaro started leaving, I grabbed his arm.

      "Can you sleep with me?" I asked. At that, he turned red. Then I realized what he thought I meant. I also turned red. "O-Oh no! I-I didn't mean it like that! I didn't mean sex! Not that I wouldn't have sex with you but I-I'm not ready!"

      "Relax! It's fine! I figured you didn't mean it like that." Rantaro chuckled. "Sure, I'll stay." We went into my room and went to sleep with Rantaro being the big spoon and me being the small spoon.

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