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Chris walked up the stairs and went towards their bedroom.

He knocked softly, not wanting to barge in on Scarlett if she wanted to be alone.

"Hey Scar, can I come in?" Chris said, gently. "I wanna talk to you."

There was no response and Chris sighed.

He was about to speak again when the door opened.

Scarlett stood by the door and said, "You can come in."

Once Chris had walked into the room, Scarlett walked back to sit on the bed, picked up her book, and continued reading.

"Hey, uh can we talk?" Chris said.

"Go ahead." Scarlett replied without looking up. Her face remained emotionless.

"Look Scarlett, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. I was feeling stressed out and I overreacted and took it out on you which wasn't fair. I shouldn't have yelled at you and I understand why you're mad at me." Chris said. He was sitting on the bed with his back to Scarlett. She put her book down and scooted closer to him.

There was a moment of silence, the two of them just say there in each other's presence until Scarlett spoke up.

"I accept your apology but I was hurt when you started yelling at me." Scarlett said, sadness evident in her voice.

Chris took a deep breath and said, "Scarlett I'm so sorry. I promised never to hurt you and I broke that promise. I shouldn't have yelled and I never meant to hurt you."

Scarlett paused before saying, "I know you're sorry. And I forgive you. I still love you of course. I guess maybe I overreacted a little bit too. And I'm sorry too." She rested her head on Chris's shoulder. "I mean I guess I was just a little too emotional and I was quick to yell at you." 

"It's okay. I forgive you. And don't blame yourself. I was the one who got angry at you." Chris replied.

"Chris it's okay. I don't blame you either." Scarlett said.

"Maybe it was good for us to have a little bit of time apart." Chris said. He put his arm around Scarlett's shoulder.

"Yeah. We just needed some space to sort our feelings out." Scarlett said, and Chris nodded in agreement.

They sat in silence for a minute.

After a moment, Scarlett spoke up again, "What was it that made you so stressed out?"

"Well, I was thinking about that guy who had approached you at the bar, and I thought, well what if you really did want to go with him. Or what if you fall in love with another guy, or cheat on me or something. And I completely trust you, and you know I'll love you no matter what, but I still get worried sometimes. I mean you're my life. You're my world. You mean everything to me." Chris said, looking down, slightly embarrased.

"Do you really mean that Chris?" Scarlett said.

"Of course I do. And I completely trust you, but sometimes I still worry about losing you. I guess I was just worried that you would leave me, and a stupid part of me thought that if I pushed you away from me first, maybe it wouldn't hurt so much if you broke up with me."

"Oh Chris. You know I'm not gonna leave you. You treat me so well and you make me happier than anyone in the world." Scarlett said. "I promise you that I love you and am not gonna leave you."

Chris pulled her closer and whispered, "Thank you."

She smiled and kissed him softly.

Scarlett laid back on the bed, and Chris lay his head on her chest, with his arms wrapped around her torso, as Scarlett ran her fingers through his hair.

He had his girl back.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this was short but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter anyways! I will try to update as soon as possible. Hope you guys have an amazing week!

True Love: An Evansson Story (discontinued- see description!)Where stories live. Discover now