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It was finally Vance's birthday and Scarlett had bought a ton of decorations and balloons and everything that they would need.

Vance wanted ice cream for dessert so Chris had bought some at the store, along with chocolate and caramel sauce, whipped cream, and cherries.

In the morning Vance headed downstairs but stopped when he head his parents talking.

"Chris! Stop kissing me! Help me put up this happy birthday banner!" Scarlett said.

"Why can't I just kiss my beautiful girlfriend first?" Chris asked.

"Because I need you to help me put this up! Then you can kiss me as much as you like!" Scarlett said.

"Oh really?" Chris said.

There was a moment of silence and Vance heard some paper rustling and then Scarlett exclaimed, "Chris! Oh my god!"

Vance figured Chris was doing some crazy thing like spinning Scarlett around and Chris was probably about to just make out with her. 

Vance knew that if he didn't go in there, they'd be having sex on the couch within five minutes.

"Hey mom! Hey dad!" Vance said he walked into the room.

"Happy birthday Vance!" They both said at the same time.

Scarlett walked over and gave him a big hug and Chris did too.

"I can't believe you're 14 now Vance!" Scarlett said. "And you look taller today!"

Vance smiled, "You know I'm already like a foot taller than you mom."

Scarlett rolled her eyes and Chris said, "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Um can you make pancakes and bacon and eggs?" Vance asked. He was getting pretty hungry.

"This isn't a buffet!" Chris said. Scarlett punched him and he said, "Ouch! I'm just kidding! Of course I'll make that stuff."

"And you still wanna make burgers for dinner right?" Scarlett asked. Vance nodded. "And your going to hang out with Max today, right?" He nodded again.

Chris and Scarlett went into the kitchen and began to cook breakfast. Actually, Scarlett began to cook and Chris just wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck.

After breakfast, Vance decided they should watch something and he decided on his favorite show, Stranger Things.

A little while later, he went over to his friend's house to hang out for a while, so Scarlett and Chris had some time to be together.

"Babe have you ever thought about going on a trip somewhere together?" Scarlett asked as she walked over to the couch where Chris was sitting.

"Yeah! I think that would be really fun! Where do you want to go?" Chris said, as Scarlett curled up next to him and he wrapped his arm around her.

"Umm, maybe like Hawaii? Or just someplace with really pretty beaches." Scarlett replied, laying her head on Chris's chest.

"Yeah?" Chris asked, as he smiled down at his girl.

"Yeah! It would be nice to get away for a while and spend some more time with you." Scarlett said, happily.

"Well I will definitely be considering your ideas and there may be a possible vacation in our future." Chris said.

Scarlett smiled and hugged him tightly, burying her face in his shoulder.

She pulled away and kissed him, slowly, but passionately. Chris deepened the kiss and pulled Scarlett even closer to his body. 

She ran her hands through his hair, as their tongues battled one another.

Chris stood up and Scarlett wrapped her legs around him.

He pulled away for a second and said, "Vance won't get back for another hour or so. I think we've got time for this."

Scarlett smirked, and kissed him again, as he carried her upstairs to their bedroom.

Later that day, when Vance got back home, the three of them went outside. 

Chris grabbed a football and he and Vance began to throw it back and forth, while Scarlett sat down and watched them.

"Wow! Your throws are a lot harder! You've gotten stronger!" Chris said, after he caught the ball. Vance smiled proudly, and Chris threw the ball back to him. "Do you wanna play football this fall?"

"Really? I'd love to!" Vance said, happily.

"Yeah! We can find you a team to play for this fall!" Chris said.

"Awesome! That's gonna be so fun! You're gonna have to help me train dad!" Vance replied.

Chris smiled and said, "Of course! You'll be an all-star! As you know, I am quite the master myself." Scarlett rolled her eyes at the last part, and Vance smiled.

A few minutes later, Scarlett said. "Okay guys! We should probably start making dinner now!"

Chris put away the football and he and Vance went back inside so they could start making dinner.

They grilled burgers and made fries to go with it. They also drank some fresh squeezed lemonade. It was delicious!

The next thing on the agenda? Presents.

A/N: Hey guys! I wanted to let you know that I probably won't be updating as much because it is summer, but I will try to as much as I can. The next chapter should be coming soon because I have already written part of it, although it is kind of short. I hope you guys enjoyed and have a great day!

True Love: An Evansson Story (discontinued- see description!)Where stories live. Discover now