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Today was the last day before Chris and Scarlett headed back home to LA.

Although they were sad about leaving Hawaii, they were excited to see Vance and Dodger again, and hear about all of their crazy adventures while they had been gone. 

After they had eaten breakfast, Chris and Scarlett had begun to pack all of their stuff up into their bags.

Scarlett, of course, was being very neat and organized about it, and she was carefully folding her clothes as she placed them in her bag.

Chris, on the other hand, was just kind of tossing stuff into his bag carelessly, and he looked as if something was on his mind that was distracting him.

"C'mon Chris, you can be a little more organized than that." Scarlett smirked at him, trying to fill the silence in the room.

"Why can't you just let me do things my own way? Why does everything have to be perfect?!" Chris snapped back.

"Jeez, you don't have to be a jerk to me just because I suggested that you be a little more careful!" Scarlett said, raising her voice. "And I do not make everything perfect!"

"Yeah you kind of do, babe! Look I don't know why you get so controlling over everything I do!" Chris yelled.

"Me? I'm controlling? You're the one who acts like a little kid!" Scarlett shot back. "I just like things a little bit neat! Is that so hard?!"

Scarlett's eyes were beginning to brim with tears.

"Well sometimes you have to let me do things on my own! I can do things however I want, and I don't want you bossing me around! I don't even know why you're getting so angry at me!" Chris yelled.

"You're the one who yelled at me first!" Scarlett yelled, as her tears began to fall.

Chris looked like he was going to respond but decided against it, although the two of them were still staring angrily at each other.

Scarlett grabbed one of Chris's t-shirts that was nearby and threw it at him.

"Fine! Do whatever the fuck you want!" Scarlett said, crying.

She turned and walked out of the door, and did not return until late that night.

~ the next day ~

Scarlett and Chris woke up with their backs facing away from each other.

Usually, they would wake up cuddled up next to each other, and they would kiss each other good morning before getting up.

But not today.

They got up silently and didn't talk to each other.

They went to a small café that was just a short walk away from the Airbnb, and grabbed some breakfast there.

Scarlett had gotten an iced tea and a muffin, and Chris had a breakfast burrito.

After eating their breakfast, they headed back to the house they had been staying in, and made sure everything was ready to go. 

They had checked every room to make sure they left nothing behind, grabbed their bags, and headed to the airport.

On the plane ride home, they sat apart from each other, each one doing their own thing.

They were quiet on the drive to their house as well.

When they arrived back home, both Vance and Dodger were super excited to see them again.

Dodger was running around with his tail wagging like crazy, and Vance was grinning from ear to ear as they walked through the door.

Both Scarlett and Chris hugged Vance, and thanked Chris's parents for watching him while they were gone.

But Vance could tell something was going on between his parents. 

They seemed down, and their usual energy was missing.

He figured they were just tired from the trip and the flight.

Dinner was pretty quiet.

Scarlett asked Vance about his time while they were gone, and he told them about how he hung out with some friends, and he and Dodger went on some nice long walks around the area.

After dinner, Scarlett went upstairs to their room, while Vance and Chris did the dishes.

"Hey dad, is there something going on between you and mom? You guys are acting weird." Vance said, looking up at Chris.

"We just had a bit of a fight yesterday. Don't worry about it." Chris said, although deep down inside, he was kind of worried about it.

He and Scarlett usually made up from their small fights quickly, but that hadn't happened this time.

Chris could still clearly see the image of her crying as they yelled at each other, and it made his heart hurt knowing that his words has caused her that pain.

He felt awful about it because she wasn't the reason he had been feeling kind of stressed and angry.

Chris wasn't exactly sure what he should do or say, but he knew one thing: he needed to go talk to Scarlett.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for any typos or mistakes! I will try to update soon and hope you guys have a great week!

True Love: An Evansson Story (discontinued- see description!)Where stories live. Discover now